*삼각평면 오피스 [ RB Architects Lang Benedek Associeted Architects ] ABW Office Building

삼각형태의 평면으로 구성된 오피스 환경은 회사가 갖고 있는 원칙을 바탕으로 구성됩니다. 중심부에 위치한 그린 아뜨리움은 원활한 비즈니스 환경을 조성하는 동시에 회사와 직원 간의 소통을 확장시켜주는 역활을 수행합니다.

공간이 깊어져, 내부 거주환경의 질이 떨어지는 것 또는 아뜨리움을 통해 완화됩니다.

The concept of the office building of the concrete blocks manufacturer is based on three main principles – the central green atrium used as the main communication port, transparency and clear connection between the customers and employees of the company. Environmental principles of the passive standard were observed during the project stage as well during construction of the building.

The levitating, transparent building on the triangular floorplan becomes the central architectural element of the production plant area, with top-quality background facilities for full-time and part-time employees and clients alike. The office part, built on lightweight platform, is supported by inclined steel pillars that emphasize the elegance of the building. So do rounded corners, and monochromatic materials (concrete, glass, steel). The indoor areas are lit from all sides, enabling the wheelchair-accessible supervision of all activities in the production plant. Technological facilities, fitted with modern technology, complies with the passive standard, including ventilation system with efficient heat recovery and extensive green roofs.

Efficient heat recovery ventilation is important, allowing for a good indoor air quality and saving energy also in winter but also in summer time. For heating and cooling is used water/water heating pump. Cooling system is integrated in the concrete slabs. Space Heating Energy consumption is13 kWh per square meter of net space per year.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY