*오피스 캠퍼스 [ Ferrier Marchetti Studio ] Huaxin Tiandi Office Campus

지속가능한 도시환경 구축을 지원합니다. 기존 도시와 새로운 비즈니스 공간의 접점은 휴식과 여유를 가질 수 있는 조경공간으로 완충장치를 생성합니다. 이를 통해 효율적인 비즈니스 환경 구축과 쾌적한 삶의 질을 찾을 수 있습니다.

How can an office campus contribute to the life of the neighborhood in which it is located? Here, the large garden that serves as a daily setting for all the employees is also a promenade offered to the city. A diagonal crossing allows passers-by to reach from Yishan Road to Tianlin Road through the heart of a natural landscape, away from traffic. The buildings have been positioned to open up the site, making this project a lively and welcoming space, bringing nature back into the heart of the city. The architecture is sober and unitary, bringing a calm counterpoint in a Shanghai in constant movement. The numerous loggias are identified by the use of colored ceramic tubes, a contemporary evocation of bamboo using ancestral Chinese know-how.

The interplay of colors and materials creates a sense of movement, and a constantly shifting façade viewed differently from various standpoints. This Ferrier Marchetti Studio project is emblematic of our approach to both contemporary architecture and its ability to express urban ambition, comprising a collection of buildings, each with an individual form designed to suit its location but, at the same time, contributing to a strong collective identity with a strong interlaced landscape.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY