사이드로 밀려난 건축물 사이로 형성된
외부공간은 각 내부공간을 연계하는
중정및 야외운동시설로 계획된다.
대지를 수평으로 가로지르는
축은 건축물을 감각적인 부정형형태로
만들며 전체 건축물의 아이텐티를 부가시킨다.
이렇게 조각으로 나누어진 백색 공간은
교실, 탁아 및 보육시설등으로 구성되며
다시 신체내부의 속살을 연상시키는
주황색 복도 및 램프(계단)로 연결된다.
감각적인 선으로 구성된 유니크 폼의
조합도 훌륭하지만
색의 대비로 구성을 심플하게 정리하는
신선함에 더 높은 점수를 주고 싶다.
strasbourg based-practice dominique coulon & associés has created 'josephine baker'
a group of schools in la courneuve, france. occupying a trapezoid-shaped plot of land,
the scheme looks to reorganize the site while referencing and corresponding to a pair
of housing blocks that once stood in its place.
linked by a system of ramps and stairways, the interconnected volumes produce an
organic and integrated organization that separates the primary and nursery classrooms.
strategically deployed around the triangular site, the school features a collection of
buildings that accommodate elevated sports areas, merging playgrounds and
interstitial gardens.
bold and cantilevered volumes fold and slide around the site, creating an enclosed and
protected form. a series of voids, indentations and changes in color break up the vertically
dominant facade which reacts to the intersecting axis and historical landmarks that
surround the school. inside, winding passageways and large thresholds participate in a subtle
two fold movement of advance and retreat, meant to gently separate the child from both its
parents and the nearby playgrounds.
from designboom