S자 형태의 다목적 유틸리티 공간인 '더 폭스'는
자연에 순응하는 재료와 형태를 갖고 있다.
주변 나무의 판재를 가공하여 일정한 패턴으로
마감한 목재 외피는 거칠면서도
고유한 자연질감 유지하여 검은색으로 도색된
구조스틸프렘임과 환상의 궁합을 이룬다.
다양한 프로그램
(차고, 창고, 다목적실, 사무실, 탈의실 및 욕실)은
주변 산세를 모티베이션하여
구현한 마운틴루프 아래에
유기적으로 구성되어 있다.
자연을 담고 자연을 그리고 자연을
만드는 것은 위대한 자연이라는
디자인을 겸허히 받아 들이는데서
시작하지 않을까 싶다.
자연은 훌륭한 교과서이며
좋은 교보재이기 때문이다.
facility in the small town of les brenets, switzerland. nestled within a site populated with tall,
mature trees, the design adopts a subtle s-shaped plan to carefully conceal its position and volume,
slowly revealing its presence in the approach.
conceived as a multi-functional structure, the project hosts a variety of programs including
a garage, storage space, event room, offices, changing rooms and bathroom. the entrance,
located at the middle of the faceted length, is flanked by a large garage to one side and a
warehouse to the other. to efficiently accommodate the use of these programs, they are fronted
and defined by a series of garage doors. the second floor is largely left unobstructed, resulting in
a number of open and flexible rooms that can host meetings as well as a range of events.
characterized by two low-sloping peaks, the roofline lends the overall volume of the structure
a playful aesthetic. the exterior skin is constructed out of panels of raw timber that sets a graphic
contrast against the black steel that are present in the framing of the structure and windows.