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french practice FABRE/deMARIEN architectes (julie fabre, matthieu de marien) has sent us images
of 'big black box', a two storey dwelling converted from a former garage in bordeaux, france.
in order to create a generous living space within the limits of the plot, the design steps back from
the retained facade to create a private driveway for two cars and a courtyard to the back.
keeping a humble face, the original facade of the former garage is retained to create an outdoor
'buffer zone' between the street and the residence. the house itself is constructed in steel structure
that is largely finished in black, setting contrast to the high stone walls of the neighbouring buildings.
overlooking the courtyard is a long strip of terrace space which allows the interior to seamlessly
extend out into the outdoors.
arranged under a low-sloping roof, the upper level living room is largely left as one continuous space.
free-standing units which hold within their volumes a washroom and kitchen functions define and
divide the room while offering storage options. the ceiling is clad in galvanised steel panels,
lending the house a decidedly industrial feel.
from designboom