*티하우스 [ Schemata Architects ] T-House

일본 도코에 위치한 티하우스는 미니멀 스페이스를 지향하는 공간입니다. 

일본 전통창고 "구라"를 재해석한 내부공간은 과거와 현재가 공존하는 장소로, 독특한 장면을 연속시킵니다.

T-House is a minimalist space located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by Schemata Architects. The goal of this project was to dismantle an old “kura” (Japanese traditional warehouse) in Kawagoe, transport the components to the site and reassemble them to create a new space. Instead of simply reassembling the structure on the site, the client’s plan was to build a new structure on the site and reassemble the structural framework of kura inside it.

The architects were concerned that it might end up looking like an old folk house displayed in a museum, and started developing ideas for the project while questioning its fakeness. T-HOUSE is a new space established as part of New Balance’s Energy Project, which takes the initiative in driving the brand forward. Japan was selected among many countries in the world not only because it is highly recognized for its excellent craftsmanship, but also because it is considered as one of the strategic hubs in Asia.

Photography by Kenta Hasegawa



from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY