*맨션 826 [ Nuno Ferreira Capa | arquitectura e design ] Maison826

헤어살롱, 문화와 뮤지컬 무대 그리고 컨셉 스토어까지 다양한 문화공간과 상공간이 버무러저 고유한 밴드를 창출한다. 이를 위한 장소로 오래된 멘션의 저층부를 리노베이션한다. 공간 본연의 재질을 구현하기 위해, 덧 붙어진 마감재는 제거되고 최소한의 디자인 요소로 노출콘크리트와 심플한 가구가 인테리어 디자인 역활을 담당한다.

House 826, for the hairstylist Pedro Remy, is placed at the ground floor of a building of the 70s in the urban centre of Braga, in Portugal, in a store with 250m2 of total area.

This space had been closed for several years giving evidences of layers of interventions, memories and stories. Each wall a story, each window a passage. A place with many spaces. Each space wrapped in materials and textures successively interrupted by others, where occasionally some naked concrete structural elements appeared. A complex composition of excess of materials and voids of materials.

With the removal of these layers, it was possible to notice that the composition of its four large semi-enclosed spaces were visually connected but at different levels. The architectural concept for Maison826 came up with the interruption of the demolition at the point where fragments of that past could coexist with the new programme intended to be set out.

The programme for the hair salon, for the cultural and musical space and for the concept-store, that share a common entry point, could now occupy each one of the spaces and create spatial and visual relations among them, where one-off interventions in each space would allow to observe the demolition spots.




from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY