우리보며 인사한다.
포트투칼에 위치한 와인너리 로고와인의
외부 마감은 코크판넬로 마감하여
우리가 와인하면 연상시키는
코크마개의 연속성을 이어준다.
특정주재와 관련된 재료나 형태를
사용 및 표현하여
프로그램의 컨셉을 표현하는 좋은
디자인코드 중 하나이다.
또한 굵은 수평라인은 빛과 만나
코크 판넬의 음양을 두드러지게 함으로써
와인이 숙성되는 연속된 시간을
표현하여 코크재질이 가지고 있는
속성 이상을 우리에게 보여준다.
2개층으로 구성된 프로그램은
저층부에 와인숙성실과 연구실, 와인감별실,
그리고 직원 휴게실, 갱의실, 샤워실로
상층부는 관광객들을 위한
투어공간과 관리사무공간으로
구성되어 와인에 관련된 업무 및
일을 포괄적으로 처리 할 수 있도록
구성되어 있다.
우리네 막걸리의 양조장도 이와 같이
디자인되면 좋지 않을까?
어디 없습니까?
LOGOWINES’s winery is located is a strip of land of 3.5 hec
tares, part of the Herdade da Pimenta in Évora.
With a rectangular configuration of 110m by 27m, it is composed of a volume coated with cork panels, intercepted by three gray “boxes” , that organize the main functional areas of the winery.
The winery has a total of 3,780.00 m2 of construction, distributed in two floors, with one partially buried in order to take advantage of best weather conditions / environment for production, winemaking, wine storage and aging.
The winery assumes itself as an element that establishes a formal link between the traditions of the place and the dynamics of our days. The rhythm given to the facades, with a strong definition of horizontal lines, using various thicknesses of cladding panels of cork, where they fuse the openings for natural lighting inside is reinforced by the natural behavior of the chosen material, causing a set of textures, shades and shadows that contribute to the idea of evolutional building, that mutates over time, in a clear allusion to the maturation of the wine during the period of production.
Inside, a large space with 9.5 m of ceiling heght, was designed with the objective of developing an innovative production method with overlapped wine vats, which boosts the gravity system, avoiding the continuous pumping of wine during the various stages of winemaking.
On the lower floor, the building is equipped with a barrel vault for 400 half barrels, a bottling line and a warehouse with 700.00 m2. The technical areas were perfectly integrated within the building: a central laboratory for analysis and testing, a lunchroom and changing rooms / showers for employees.
On the upper floor, that occupies the area of two “boxes” located on the east, lies the area of wine tourism, administration area, with a reception, a tasting area and offices / meeting rooms.
These spaces have a strong relationship with the outside through the large windows that open onto the surrounding vineyards and also through the courtyard, thought to be used on a daily basis a warm and intimate atmosphere, by those who work or visit the winery.
Architects: PMC Arquitectos – Leonor Duarte Ferreira/ Miguel Passos de Almeida
Location: Évora, Portugal
Cost: 2.200.000 €
Site area: 35,000 sqm
Project year: 2007 – 2009
Photographs: João Morgado
from archdaily