*스마트웨어 오피스빌딩 [ Vertical Studio ] Smartware CLT Office Building

Vertical Studio-Smartware CLT Office Building
버티컬 스튜디오-스마트웨어 CLT 오피스 빌딩
The Smartware CLT building is located at the confluence between the city of Oradea, with its ever-expanding metropolitan area, and the village of Săldăbagiu de Munte.

The orchards right next to the building alternate with areas of abundant vegetation that lie on the picturesque topography of the village. Although the scattered residential buildings tend to take on the landscape more and more boldly under the pressure of real estate development in recent decades, the place still shows an unaltered character.

The area is pierced by the winding road that climbs the peaks and describes structured perspectives over the terraced orchards, offering the viewer some serene landscapes regardless of the season.

The building folds on the level curves, presenting four platforms on different levels that support the intention of non-invasive intervention on the sloping ground and is organized around the small private inner courtyard, developing concentrically through the gradual crossing of low-rise private spaces, through the corridors, towards the vast public spaces that concentrate large dosed paintings of the natural setting.



스마트웨어 씨엘티 빌딩은 대도시로 확장되는 Oradea시와 Săldăbagiu de Munte마을이 합류하는 지점에 위치합니다. 건물의 형태 또한 주변풍경과 동화되는 저층형으로 제안됩니다. 서로 다른 레벨에 위치한 각 공간들은 총 4개의 플랫폼으로 구성되며, 내부에 위치한 중정을 기점으로 사적과 공적위계가 동심원을 그리며 옅어지도록 설계되었습니다.


from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY