*화력발전소 리뉴얼: herzog & de meuron breaks ground on san franscisco power station

샌프란시스코 만에 위치한 화력발전소는 더이상 없습니다.
산업시대의 유물과 같이 사라졌습니다. 대신 해르조그 앤 디뮐러 손에 의해 새로운 비즈니스 허브로 태어납니다. 이 허브를 통해 도시는 다시 활력을 찾고 사람들은 살아 갑니다.

herzog & de meuron has broken ground today on their power station within a former industrial site along the bay in san franscisco, marking the start of construction for the mixed-use project. the architects have collaborated with adamson associates to rejuvenate the former historic brick power factory known as ‘station a’ that earlier supplied power to the city.

herzog & de meuron sought to mostly maintain the turbine hall space, while a new lightweight steel-framed structure will take shape on the former concrete foundations. the ex-platforms that were supporting machinery for power generation will form to accommodate gathering spaces facing towards the open turbine hall. furthermore, the project aims to provide sustainability on the fragments of the pre-existing heavy industry; natural ventilation strategies, exterior projections, and efficient arrangement complete the project.


from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY