*중국 텐진 스타벅스 리저브 매장 Starbucks Reserve® Tianjin Riverside 66 Flagship Store

중국 텐진에 위치한 스타벅스 리저브 매장.

1921년 건립된 건물에 스타벅스의 독창적인 인테리어 디자인 가미, 고풍스러운 공간과 현대적인 디자인 요소의 결합. 독창적인 공간감 구현.

The building housing Starbucks Reserve® Tianjin Riverside 66 Flagship Store was constructed in 1921, designed by Shen Liyuan. It took three years for Starbucks to preserve the building’s original architecture and restore it to its full splendor, while infusing modern and creative elements to give new life to the space. Highlights include a Renaissance-style façade, an enormous dome with imported marble columns, and local Chinese carvings. The original bank counters have also been fully preserved, allowing customers a peek into what a bank from a century ago looked and felt like. Our mission is to bring this space to life by celebrating the local history while giving to the future a sense of coffee spirit.

Designed by Starbucks China Concept Flagship Team

from retaildesignblog


Designed by JB FACTORY