*톱니지붕 [ Modern Office of Design + Architecture ] The Livery Shop

낙후된 지역경제활성활를 위한 교두보로 리버리삽이 제안된다. 전통적인 건축양식을 모티브로 확장된 톱니형태의 경사지붕은 실질적인 두개의 지붕과 철골을 이용한 헛보형태로 디자인된다.

 In a city known more for gentrification and newness, the community of Inglewood – Calgary’s oldest neighborhood established in 1875 – exists as an anomaly in the urban fabric. Caught in a time capsule, the community is comprised predominately of industrial typologies that have long sat dormant, obsolescing to the modernization of production, fabrication and manufacturing. However, in recent years Inglewood has witnessed rapid transformation as young start-up companies, breweries, galleries and restaurants are moving in and creatively reanimating the outdated building stock. This renewed sense of optimism prompted our client to purchase a forgotten, leftover piece of land straddled between a CP rail line to the south, an army surplus store to the east and an access road and parking lot to the north and west.

Our point of departure for this project involved taking an inventory of the various local industrial typologies to produce a taxonomy of possible formal strategies. From this taxonomy, we began to explore an array of the shed roof typology that, while being contextually sensitive, provided a contemporary response through the distortion of scale, juxtaposition of materials and the playful reinterpretation of traditional tectonics. The building is wrapped in the east-west direction with standing seam metal, forming a container or wrapper within which the material palette transitions to brick, bookending the north and south facades.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY