도쿄대에서 열렸던 섬머 워크샵 이다.
주로 라이노의 그라스호퍼를 이용하여
설계하고 자작나무 t9와 t12를
cnc 커팅을 이용하여 구현하였다.
여러 작품중에서도 흥미로운 것은
실린더 형태의 '나미노마'라는 작업인데
2차원 재료를 3차원화( 웨이브) 하여
그 곡면의 흐름을 다시 순환되도록
원형구조로 계획하여 티하우스 공간을
연출한 프로세스가 재미있다.
3차원 면을 갖기 위해서는 모두 알다시피
3개의 꼭지점의 위상을 다르게 해야
조금더 복잡한 이야기는 질문을 주시면
전문가( wk )가 친절히 답변해 줄 것이다. (^^)
전통적인 공간, 다도의 공간을
어떻게 해석하느냐에 따라 다양한 스펙트럼을
만들어 낼 수 있을 것이다.
그 스펙트럼의 깊이에 따라 자연스럽게 형성된
곡면 웨이브는 보는이에게
또한번의 리드믹컬한 공간의 소리를 듣게한다.
last august architecture students completed a study in bridging new technology with classic culture through the
design and fabrication of japanese teahouses during a summer workshop held at the university of tokyo. three teams
of 6 - 8 from the university of tokyo, department of architecture along with columbia university GSAPP fabrication lab
had one month to produce three full-scale tea houses to test their concepts, methodologies and materials.
the first part of the workshop introduced computational logic and concepts, which led to the second part of explorations
related to japanese tea ceremony culture that served as a pretext for further exploring digital design and fabrication tools.
the teams had the same constraints: the software grasshopper for
rhinoceros (graphical generative algorithm tools
for 3d modeling),
materials (9 mm and 12 mm plywood), budget, and manufacturing method
(cnc routing). the outcomes
reflect the individual teams more than
originally foreseen by the workshop's professors. particularly notable
is a wide range
of issues addressed in the process for each of the
pavilions, from applications of computational design, interpretations of
and culture in spatial or activity oriented expressions,
structural stability, and practical solutions for quick physical
materiality of the plywood and taming them to achieve a more flowing
form inspired by the imperfect tea bowl was
the theme for the pavilion
‘nami-no-ma (space of waves).’ the half-depth grooves in the plywood
made by the cnc
router allowed for a typical flat-surface manufacturing
to fall into the desired curvature along the cylindrical-shaped
the GSAPP team analyzed the essential elements of the two-tatami style teahouse to be able to generate a new
parametric design based on the traditional. each part of the ceremony - the participants, fixtures, and the tea itself -
influences a regulare panelized system, while the wall panels form an introverted space for the ceremony itself and
dually displaying it to the public.
the GSAPP team pushed the aspect of parametric design to translate the traditional tea ceremony sequence of
separate host and guest entries, and the interior with attractor points designating positions of host, two guests, and
the tokonoma (recessed entrance space). the disjunction between limited amount of materials and the preferred
geometry were reconciled in the use of parametric adjustments in grasshopper software.
the pavilion ‘130008252010’ focused on the precise moment of 13:00
p.m. on aug.25, 2010 when the tea ceremony
took place, for which to
design a space with specific lighting conditions. interior space was
determined by the software
in terms of the angles and depth of
triangular patterned sun-shading device over a semi-conical surface of
the arch structure.
the workshop helped to make a clear example that such traditional values combined with new digital technologies is
not contradictory, as exemplified in the tea houses and enforced by the final tea ceremony held inside.
many thanks to the following for their support and dedication to the workshop:
university of tokyo, department of architecture kengo kuma lab / columbia university, GSAPP, phillip anzalone,
avery fabrication lab.
professors involved with the workshop: phillip anzalone, toru hasegawa, brigette borders (columbia university).
yusuke obuchi, tachi tomohiro, kaon ko, salvator-john a. liotta, nahoko yoshii (university of tokyo). keisuke toyoda,
motoki yamamoto, yusuke oono, alex knezo (noiz architects).
team 130008252010: tan toon cheng, david jenny, taichi kuma, reiko nishiyama, shuhei tanaka, haruka tomoeda, cui xuan.
team naminoma: anna braverman, kazami furukawa, akinori hamada, yuta ito, nikola nikolovski, hiroyuki tanaka.
team GSAPP: momo araki, yuval borochov, jordan carver, rachel hillery, teel lassiter, lindsay mcclelland, kristen munro, michael walch.
from designboom
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