*놀이를 통한 어린이 교육 Numbers on stairs help kids learn to count

어린이들에 대한 교육은 놀이 속에 자연스럽게 이루어져야 합니다. 여기 유치원에 설치된 계단과 짝을 이루는 미끄럼틀은 흥미로운 놀이과정 속에 자연스레 숫자에 대한 개념을 인지시켜주는 교보재로, 위아래를 연결하는 주요 동선의 건축적 어휘를 상쇄하고도 남습니다.

This kindergarten in Slovenia, designed by Jure Kotnik Architecture, has a staircase where they put a number on each stair, as a subtle way to encourage self-learning. Because kids have little legs, they pay attention to each stair they climb, and by placing the numbers on each stair, it gets them counting in their heads or even out loud.

The stairs are also a rainbow of colors, with the names of each color on the stairs, to help the children learn about different colors.

The kindergarten also has a red slide that goes from the second floor to the first floor. This of course is irresistible to children, so they end up climbing the stairs many times a day, which keeps them active, and puts those numbers in front of them every time they do.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY