*발광 라인으로 라스코동굴벽화를 재구성 하다 [ Julien Salaud ] Grotte Stellaire

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천장면을 따라 연출된 3차원 프레임으로 구성된 이미지는 후세에 지금의 우리를 알리는

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reviewed by SJ

Inspired by 17,300-year old cave paintings and outer space anatomy, French artist Julien Salaud has created a mind-blowing site-specific installation for Paris’ newly renovated Palais de Toyko.

The complex 3D composition was realized using luminescent strings which were painstakingly pinned to the space’s ceiling. Much like in Lascaux’s primitive graffiti, the artist has depicted animals, specifically a herd of deer. Despite their analog genesis, when the lights are off these psychedelic Bambis resemble computer generated imagery – a wireframe version of a 3D model.

The contrast of the futuristic aesthetic and the archaic undertones is powerful, but not as much as the embracing grow-in-the-dark effect that welcomes the visitor.

Salaud says he was inspired by ethno-astronomer Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez and the Lascaux caves, which house the first images ever created by mankind.

Grotte Stellaire can be seen at Palais de Tokyo's Alice Guy Hall and is part of the Triennale, which takes place at the venue and at other collateral sites across the city until 26 August.

from  frameweb


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