*중정을 중심으로, 건축의 심장을 읽다 [ fundamental approach architects ] Dezful House

"좋은 건축은 인간과 자연 사이의 균형을 맞추는 데 있다." -루이스 칸 (Louis Kahn)

중정을 중심으로, 건축의 심장을 읽다  fundamental approach architects-Dezful House

서론: 전통과 현대의 만남
이란의 전통적 주거공간은 단순한 피난처 이상의 역할을 해왔습니다. 가족이 모여 생활하며, 생각을 나누고, 평온함을 누릴 수 있는 장소로 설계된 집은 지역적 특성과 자연과의 조화를 기반으로 독특한 공간적 미학을 만들어냈습니다. Dezful House는 이러한 전통적 가치와 현대적 요구를 결합하여, 혁신적 설계와 지속 가능성을 겸비한 새로운 건축적 가능성을 제시합니다.

프로젝트 배경: 한정된 부지에서 창조된 혁신
Dezful House는 Dezful의 밀집된 도시 구조 내 좁은 골목 끝에 위치하고 있습니다. 이 부지는 외부에서의 가시성이 제한된 환경으로, 초기 계획 단계에서 다층 아파트 건축이 검토되었습니다. 그러나 고객과 건축가 간의 협업을 통해, 프라이버시와 개인적 오픈 스페이스의 중요성이 강조된 단독 주택 설계로 방향이 전환되었습니다. 이러한 설계 변화는 전통적 건축 요소와 현대적 생활 양식을 결합한 새로운 모델을 제안합니다.

설계 철학: 전통적 공간의 현대적 재해석
1. 중정의 역할
Dezful House는 전통적 중정 구조를 현대적으로 재해석하여, 건축의 중심 요소로 통합하였습니다. 중정은 단순한 건축적 장식이 아니라, 내부와 외부를 연결하며 프라이버시를 보장하는 동시에 밀집된 도시 환경에서도 자연과의 조화를 제공합니다. 내부 공간은 중정을 중심으로 배치되어, 가족 간의 상호작용과 자연과의 소통을 동시에 촉진합니다.

2. 곡선형 천장: 시간과 공간의 융합
곡선형 천장은 단순한 미적 요소를 넘어, 하늘을 바라보는 독특한 경험을 제공합니다. 이 천장은 내부 공간에 시간의 흐름을 반영하며, 부드러운 그림자를 투사하여 시각적 동적성을 더합니다. 또한, 반개방형 공간의 그늘을 제공하여 덥고 건조한 기후에서도 쾌적한 생활 환경을 유지하도록 설계되었습니다. 밤 시간에는 인공 조명이 천장과 조화를 이루어 공간에 따뜻함과 깊이를 더합니다.

3. 반개방형 공간: 다목적성과 유연성
중정을 둘러싼 반개방형 2층 베란다는 내부와 외부를 연결하는 완충 지대로 설계되었습니다. 이 공간은 가족 활동, 사교, 휴식 등 다양한 용도로 활용될 수 있는 유연성을 제공합니다. 이는 전통적 다목적 공간의 현대적 해석으로, 현대 생활에 적합한 실용성과 심미성을 겸비하고 있습니다.

지속 가능성과 자연 통합
1. 자연 통풍 시스템
중정과 녹지, 수영장은 신선한 공기를 유도하여 자연적인 냉각 효과를 제공합니다. 건축물 내의 공기 흐름은 전략적으로 배치된 창문과 개구부를 통해 더욱 원활해지며, 여름철 덥고 건조한 환경에서도 실내외 온도를 쾌적하게 유지합니다. 이러한 설계는 지역적 기후에 대한 깊은 이해와 지속 가능성을 반영한 결과물입니다.

2. 재료 선택: 전통과 현대의 융합
Dezful House는 현지에서 구할 수 있는 벽돌을 주요 재료로 사용하여, 지역적 맥락을 반영하면서도 현대적 감각을 유지하였습니다. 벽돌 표면의 질감은 따뜻함과 친근함을 제공하며, 금속과 유리와의 조화는 미적 대비를 이루어 건축물의 현대적 미감을 강화합니다.

결론: 새로운 가능성의 제시
Dezful House는 전통과 현대, 자연과 인간이 조화를 이루는 건축적 가능성을 보여줍니다. 이 프로젝트는 단순히 과거의 건축적 유산을 계승하는 것을 넘어, 이를 현대적 요구와 결합하여 지속 가능한 미래를 위한 건축적 방향성을 제시합니다. 이 집은 혁신적 설계, 자연 통합, 그리고 전통의 재해석을 통해 단순한 주거 공간을 넘어서는 특별한 경험을 제공합니다.

Write by ChatGPT & 5osa


Throughout the history of Iran, the concept of home has been more than just a shelter. The home is a safe place for living, thinking, and being together. It has always been inward looking, attentive to its geography and culture, and has continuously sought to create peaceful spaces alongside nature for family members. The project site is located within the dense urban fabric of Dezful, at the end of a three-meter alley. It has limited visibility from the outside and is surrounded on all sides by neighboring buildings.

The client, motivated by investment growth and the need for greater security, intended to build a multi story apartment on this land, using one of the units as their home. During the development of this project, we aimed to raise the client's awareness of architectural qualities, such as privacy and private open spaces. We proposed solutions for their security concerns and persuaded them to build a single-family home on this unique site with its potential. In this project, we sought to express what we have learned from Iranian traditional architecture in a contemporary form. The limited exterior of the house, while modest and serene, hints at the richness within, preparing individuals, much like historical Iranian architecture, for special encounters in the inner world.

Upon entering, after passing through a semi-open space designed to preserve the privacy of the residents, the light draws us toward the central space. Here, the mystery of the inside reveals itself a bright, circular courtyard at the heart of the house, around which the internal spaces are arranged.

The spatial organization of this house follows the traditional pattern of the central courtyard, common in the architecture of Iran's past. This enduring archetype transforms the courtyard into the beating heart of the home. The courtyard is no longer a separate part of the building but rather an essential and powerful element that connects the interior and exterior.

The circular form of the ceilings not only provides a calm view of the sky for the residents but also casts curved shadows on the straight walls of the interior spaces, constantly changing throughout the day and reminding the inhabitants of the passage of time. Additionally, the circular shape of the ceilings increases the amount of shade in the semi-open spaces, making them more suitable for staying in during the day in this hot and dry climate. The verandas around the courtyard on the second floor are semi open spaces situated between the interior and exterior, where life flows. These spaces do not have a defined function and can serve as a flexible setting for spontaneous activities.

The airflow, which gains its freshness from the greenery of the central courtyard and the moisture from the courtyard's pool, passes through the shaded semi open spaces and reaches the interior spaces, cooling the building. This natural airflow, a key factor in enhancing the comfort of the residents in Dezful's hot and semi-arid climate, is facilitated by openings positioned opposite each other, facing outward.

from archdaily


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