*곡선의 아름다움: Meander Housing, 헬싱키의 새로운 랜드마크 Steven Holl winds Meander housing around gardens in Helsinki


 "나는 의도적으로 직각과 합리적인 건축을 무시하고, 곡선과 직선을 선택했다." – Oscar Niemeyer

곡선의 아름다움: Meander Housing, 헬싱키의 새로운 랜드마크  Steven Holl winds Meander housing around gardens in Helsinki

Steven Holl의 Meander Housing 프로젝트는 핀란드 헬싱키에 위치한 현대적인 주거 단지로, 자연과의 조화를 추구하는 혁신적인 건축물입니다. 발트해와 Hesperianpuisto 공원의 전망을 고려한 설계는 이 건축물이 도시 환경 속에서도 자연을 느끼게 해 줍니다. 건물의 곡선형 형태는 자연의 흐름을 반영하며, 주민들이 도시 속에서도 자연과 함께 생활할 수 있는 환경을 제공합니다. 유기적 곡선과 투명한 외관은 주변 건물들과의 조화를 이루면서도, 독창적이고 대담한 건축적 시도를 보여줍니다.

건축적 형태와 기능의 융합
이 프로젝트에서 각 아파트는 최대한 많은 자연광을 받아들이도록 설계되었습니다. 북유럽 특유의 긴 겨울을 고려한 설계로, 각 공간은 효율적이면서도 따뜻한 환경을 제공하며, 바닥 난방과 같은 에너지 절약형 시스템이 적용되었습니다. 친환경적 건축 재료인 핀란드산 스프루스와 지열 에너지 시스템을 통해 지속 가능한 건축을 실현하고자 했습니다.

예술적 접근과 사회적 기능
Meander Housing은 예술과 건축이 결합된 독특한 사례로, Fanny Tavastila의 예술 작품이 건물 곳곳에 배치되어 주민들에게 예술적 경험을 선사합니다. 이러한 예술적 요소들은 공동체의 정체성을 강화하는 데 기여하며, 거주자들이 단순한 주거를 넘어 문화적 가치를 공유할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 공용 사우나와 영화관 등 다양한 편의 시설은 거주자들 간의 소통과 교류를 증진시키며, 현대적 생활에 필요한 모든 기능을 충족시키고 있습니다.

지속 가능한 건축 설계
Steven Holl의 설계에서 가장 중요한 요소 중 하나는 지속 가능성입니다. 녹색 지붕과 지열 시스템을 통해 에너지 소비를 최소화하면서도, 건물 자체가 자연과의 유기적인 연결을 유지할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 단순한 주거 공간을 넘어서, 환경 보호와 에너지 절약을 고려한 현대적 건축의 좋은 사례로 평가받고 있습니다.

미학적 감수성과 기능적 완성도
고종석의 문장 교열을 통해, Meander Housing 프로젝트에 대한 서술은 문학적 감수성을 가미하여 건축의 시적 아름다움을 표현하는 데 중점을 두었습니다. 특히, ‘미로’와 같은 건축적 메타포는 건물의 곡선형 디자인을 더욱 극적으로 부각시키며, 거주자들의 일상이 마치 하나의 서사처럼 전개되도록 묘사되었습니다. 이는 단순한 공간 설명이 아닌, 건축 자체가 이야기를 담고 있음을 강조합니다.

Write by ChatGPT & 5osa


US studio Steven Holl Architects has completed Meander, a housing project in Helsinki, Finland, with a snaking form that frames gardens and maximises outward views.

Completed with local studio ARK-house Arkkitehdit and property developer Newil&Bau, the 7,500-square metre project comprises 115 unique apartments with a concrete structure and lined with wood and glazing.

The 180-metre long form of the building was designed by Steven Holl Architects to meander around gardens like a river, inspiring the project's name.

Alongside the 115 homes are a wine cellar, spa, 12 seat movie theatre, yoga studio, communal events spaces and work areas.

Steven Holl Architects has been developing Meander since 2006 when the studio won an international competition for the project.

Its curved plan frames a series of open outdoor areas that the studio has strategically positioned for residents to enjoy the sun throughout the day.

The apartments are spread across eight floors and accessible from three different lobbies. Glazing envelops the exterior maximising natural light throughout.

At its highest point, Meander reaches 28.5 metres. Its smallest apartment measures 22.5 square metres, while the biggest encompasses 218.5 square metres.

"Meander Housing is a competition we won 17 years ago with the idea of the meandering form that shapes space because the site is inside of a bounded block," said the studio's founder Steven Holl.

"Because of the simple shape of the meandering line, all apartments are different and they gradually rise to face the sea," he continued. "There is a kind of musical score like aspect, and you can see it expressed in the gardens and void spaces that articulate the original concept."

Other details of Meander include a shared Tesla and Pelago bicycles, alongside a bicycle maintenance zone and storage space for food deliveries.

The studio's founder has also designed a series of small finishing touches, including a drinking bowl for dogs, door handles and lighting fixtures.

According to the studio, thanks to features including a geothermal heating system, solar panels and "smart building automation", Meander has an operational carbon footprint approximately half the size of a conventional, similarly sized apartment building.

Its structure is also designed to last for at least 100 years before needing refurbishment.

Steven Holl Architects was founded by Holl in New York in 1977 and today it also has offices in Hudson Valley and Beijing. Meander is not the studio's first project in Finland, having also completed the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art in 1998.

The studio's recent projects include the Cofco Cultural and Health Center in Shanghai and the asymmetric Rubenstein Commons in New Jersey.

from dezeen


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