[ OFIS Arhitekti ] Shopping Pillow Terraces

The city council of Slovenian capitol Ljubljana approved the project Shopping Pillow Terraces designed by OFIS Arhitekti. Construction for this new mixed-use building on Ljubljana's main pedestrian street is scheduled to start in mid-2011. Shopping Pillow Terraces is the result of an invited competition from 2009.
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Competition-winning design Shopping Pillow Terraces by OFIS Arhitekti
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Competition-winning design Shopping Pillow Terraces by OFIS Arhitekti

Project Description:
The complex is located in the heart of Ljubljana, between the park and main Ljubljana pedestrian commercial street.  The program is a mixture of boutique shops, caffe and residences. The street and the park will be connected with a public passage that perforates the building. Since the street and the park are in different levels the buidling has two ground fl oors that are connected with a passage. Lower 4 floors are shops connected with a mall. Top three floors are reserve for apartments and partly also inside existing historical atrium.

The building is formed  in terraces  between low rise historical line in the park towards recent extension of the Post office on the border of the plot. Teraces offer beautiful views towards the old city and the castle. Lower large terrace plateau is formed as open air caffee, higher terraces are designed as apartments. Teraces have greef fence pillow;  organic layered metal mesh with implanted greenery inside.

Like the fashion also the building is changing through the season: fall winter appearance is covered in silver and sometimes covered in snow. On the other hand spring summer appearance is green and sometimes in flowers.  Project will go on site in 2011.

Project Data:
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Type: commecial and residences
Client: LE nepremicnine

5.474 m2 commercial program
3.222 m2 apartments

Structure: metal, reinforced concrete
Max. Height: 7 floors (1 underground), 24.0 m above ground
Budget: 20 mio EUR
Exterior Finish: metal, stone, glass, green

Project Team: Rok Oman, Spela Videcnik, Janja del Linz, Janez Martinčič, Katja Aljaz, Andrej Gregorič Verena Smahel

from  bustler


Designed by JB FACTORY