Architects: Spacelab architects - Luca Silenzi Location: Fermo, Italy Collaborators: Roberto Sargo, Zoè Chantall Monterubbiano Structural Engineering: Giampiero Luzi Technical Inspection: arch. Luca Silenzi, arch. Roberto Sargo Contractor: G.I.L. Costruzioni, Porto San Giorgio (Italy) Constructive System: Precast concrete + metal structure; custom made precast exterior enclosure panels Project y..
Architects: Wingårdh Arkitektkontor Location: Särö, Sweden Architects in charge: Gert Wingårdh, Joakim Lyth, Danuta Nielsen, Karin Wingårdh Project Year: 2004-2005 Client: Private Construction: Elu Konsult AB, Göteborg, Paul Palmqvist Landscape: NOD, Natur Orienterad Design Interior Wood: Tranekaer-Teknik, Denmark Constructed Area: 346 sqm Photographer: Wingardh I’ve been wanting to design this ..
Ubicación: Pamplona (Navarra) Autores: Miguel A. Alonso del Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Marcos Escartín Miguel Colaboradores:Proyecto: Miguela Modrego Jiménez, Ruth Marín Lorente, Pablo BranchiBorrell, Javier Zalacain Díez, Sara Mattivi, Susana Ruiz de GalarretaDíaz de Cerio; Dirección: María López Morquecho, Daniel Maestu Yerro Aparejadores: Miguel Aldaz García-Mina Promotor: Ayuntamie..
Architects: ODOS architects Location: Wicklow, Ireland Construction: Oaklawn Construction Constructed Area: 287 sqm Design Year: 2006 Construction Year: 2007-2008 Photographs: Ros Kavanagh and ODOS architects This house is in essence a simple bold sculptural form which sits at the foot of a steep escarpment in the Wicklow hills. It is a two storey house with vehicular and pedestrian access from ..
Architects: wHY Architecture Location: Osaka, Japan Area: 279 sqm Project Year: 2006 Program: Private Residence Photographs: wHY Architecture Casa Wakasa, home to a young family of four is located in the suburbs of Osaka, Japan. The house attempts to be both a reflection into contemporary Japan’s family life (sense of family vs. privacy) as well as a solution to balance individual freedom and sp..
Situación: Oñati Autores: Miguel A. Alonso del Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón Colaboradores: Juan Biain, Francisco Trujillo, Isabel Gordoa, Patricia Biain, Juan Oroz, Jesús Sanz Aparejadores: Michel Aldaz García-Mina, Fernando Aspiazu, María López, Saioa Iñurrategi Instalaciones: GE & asociados Promotor: Provincia Franciscana de Arantzazu, Ayuntamiento de Oñati (Plan Especial) Fecha finaliz..
Architect: René van Zuuk Architekten Location: Almere, the Netherlands Client: René van Zuuk & Marjo Körner Program: Villa Structural Ingeneering: Van de Laar, Eindhoven / NL Project Year: 2008 Site Area: 454 sqm Constructed Area: 215 sqm Photographs: Christian Richters & René van Zuuk Behind the somewhat mysterious name ‘Project X’, hides the design of René van Zuuk and his family’s own residen..
Cliente: Hernan Ponce Autor: Mathias Klotz Colaborador: Pablo Riquelme Paisajista: Juan Grimm Año proyecto: 2000 Año de construcción: 2001-2003 Superficie del terreno: 2000 m² Superficie construida: 570 m² Empresa Constructora: Stieglitz Ingeniero Estructural: Enzo Valladares Ubicación: Perdriel 1540, San Isidro, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina Fotografías: Roland Halbe
Architects Baumschlager Eberle have designed a combined clubhouse and boathouse at Port Rohner on Lake Constance in Fussach, Austria. The cube-shaped building consists of an irregular concrete structure enveloped in glass. “The irregular structure of the concrete elements is set off against the regular rectangular shapes of the sheets of glass,” say the architects. “The randomness of the glass d..
Marwan Al-Sayed Architects have completed a house in Paradise Valley, Arizona. Bedrooms and bathrooms are located on the ground floor in twoseparate, one-storey, cast concrete structures, which are partiallysunken into the ground to provide privacy and shade. The upper floor spans these two volumes and comprises living, dining and cooking spaces, as well as outdoor decking. The following informa..