The Sauerland-Museum, located in the historically listed „Landsberger Hof“, has been expanded to become Museum and Cultural Forum South Westphalia. To achieve this, the existing historical building from 1605 was extensively renovated in a first construction phase and the permanent exhibition was redesigned. Phase two comprised an extension building, located on the directly adjacent, 45-degree sl..
파빌리온은 리셉션 및 교육공간을 포함한 공원 기프트샵과 레스토랑으로 구성된다. 숲속 한가운데 자리 잡은 파빌리온은 하루종일 주변 자연환경을 즐길 수 있는 최적의 장소로 제공됩니다. 자연환경과 공원을 경험하는 색다른 장소로 제공됩니다.The pavilion has a restaurant, a park shop and accommodates education and reception areas. In the elongated and curved central space – with a crackling fire at one end on cold days – visitors can admire the light projections on the vaulted ceiling. The new building is..
엄격한 그리드에 맞추어진 구조와 외관 디자인은 콘크리트 물성을 통해 적나라한 모습으로 나타난다. Chilean architect Alberto Moletto has created a concrete-framed educational facility at a Catholic university that is designed to go "unnoticed for those who walk through the campus". The FEM Building is located within the San Joaquín campus for the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC) – a prestigious institution started in the late 1..
SODA Studio has completed the first phase of the Walker’s Court development, featuring the groundbreaking Boulevard Theatre that has a revolving auditorium at its heart, along with a new restaurant and apartments. The second part of the project will include offices created at the top of the scheme, shops and restaurants at ground level and the rebirth of Madame JoJo’s in the basement. Designed f..
도쿄에 위치한 메스 뮤지엄은 미니멀리스트 갤러리로 '하라주쿠 경관 확장 프로젝트'의 4번째 단계 중, 첫번째 단계의 건축물 입니다. 도시와 조경축을 확장 및 연결하기 위한 작업입니다. 하나의 구조물 안에 자리 잡은 3개의 전시공간은 각기 다른 출입구와 공간으로 고유한 공간감을 발현합니다. The Mass Museum is a minimalist gallery located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by Nobuo Araki. The Mass is the first phase of the ongoing “Harajuku Expanding Landscape Project” consisting of four phases and four sites. The site is located al..
Placing the new library and restaurant building along the Rue de la Tour has a resolving effect on the school campus ensemble. Together with the existing buildings - the gymnasium on the southwest and the classrooms on the northeast - two loose brackets are formed, framing the schoolyard. The small existing telecommunication building is incorporated into the body of the new building. The differe..
100년 가까이 된 학교의 증축 및 리모델링 프로젝트.외부 환경으로 영향을 받지 않는 실내 활동공간 확보. 두개의 새로운 건물은 스포츠와 음악을 중점적으로 가르치키 위한 공간으로 증축된다. The almost 100 years old Grøndalsvængets School has undergone a comprehensive transformation. With respect to original qualities the existing main building from 1929 has been completely renovated and refurbished to support today's demands for differentiated learning spaces and healthy indoor..
in 2016, changjiang — a village in china’s shanxi province — was razed to make way for a cluster of high-rise residential towers. within this context of fast paced urban development, vector architects was commissioned to build an art museum that would serve as a shared cultural space for the community. consequently, the design team began the project by considering the best way to integrate the b..
19년도 1월에 완공된 새로운 빌딩은 직사각형 평면으로 구성된 3개 레이어가 구성된다. 도로변에 마주한 2층 일부분은 캔틸레버 구조로 이루어져 있다. 도로에 면한 공간에 목공작업실과 도서관이 각각 배치되며, 1층이 학생들을 위한 공간으로 제공, 2층은 강당, 홀, 영화스튜디오로 구성되어 전체 캠퍼스 내에 공유공간으로 활용된다. ‘Driven by lack of space, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut ordered the construction of a complementary third building on its grounds, opposite the building designed by Gerrit Rietveld and next to..
리조트를 방문하는 여행객들을 위한 커뮤니티 공간. 갤러리, 아트센터. 인상적인 첫인상을 만드는 외관과 대비되는 내부공간은 외부로 열린 개방형 원형극장을 통해 또다른 캐릭터를 생성한다.물을 모티브로 형상화한 중정형 원형극장은 원형램프를 통해 내부에 위치한 갤러리 및 유틸리티와 연결된다. When enlightened developer Aranya asked Neri&Hu to design an art center inside their seaside resort community, Neri&Hu seized the opportunity to question the notions of space for art versus communal space. Despite the straightforward brie..