*일본 협소주택 [ upsetters architects ] House in Ebisu

폭이 좁은 협소한 필지에 지어진 작은 집. 도쿄 주거단지에 위치. 각층을 연결하는 계단은 각층의 숨구멍 역활을 수행한다.

House in Ebisu is a minimal residence located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by upsetters architects. The home is situated in a quiet residential neighborhood, tucked in a narrow plot between two other buildings. The staircase is left exposed to allow for natural light from above to enter the spaces below. Each level is represented by a varying floor material in order to delineate the various functions of each story.

Photography by Yusuke Wakabayashi

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY