*거주공간의 숨, 중정 [ Horma ] AM House

두개의 공간을 연결하는 방법. 기존 2개의 공간을 하나의 주거공간으로 리모델링 한다. 보편적인 기능적 공간활용과 거주자의 취향 또는 요구조건을 제외한 불필요한 요소는 제거하여, 최소한의 디자인을 적용한다. 그리고 이러한 중심에 외부로 열린 중정을 배치하여 막힘없는 열린 거주공간을 완성한다.

The illusion of two friends and their two daughters. This is the story of a family that inherits with uncertainty a house between walls in its original state in the city center of Vila-real. Behind the uncertainty, a great opportunity to reinterpret a space attending to the needs of a new generation without forgetting the still existing past. The spatial fluidity and the warmth of the materials guided by natural light show how to inhabit the house. With a facade respected for its antiquity, the interior hides the revolution of the residential typology reinterpreting the usual values.

Architects: Horma

Location: Vila-real, Spain

Category: Houses Interiors

Lead Architects: Nacho Juan, Clara Cantó, Jose Iborra, Ana Riera

Area: 240.0 m2

Project Year: 2018

Photographs: Mariela Apollonio

The original house was composed of two bodies, the house in contact with the main facade and a barn that occupied the bottom of the plot. Between them, other elements have appeared over time and have filled a necessary space to breathe. This rehabilitation aims to respect the existing architecture by valuing the original elements and eliminating those additions that make difficult to read the initial space Once its origin has been recovered, the project must connect both bodies to accommodate the requested domestic program and work to give them meaning as a whole.

For this, a patio will become the main element, able to illuminate, articulate spaces and also give the house the necessary character, establishing a dialogue between the past, the present, and the future. The ground floor includes the public use of the house, developed throughout the size of the plot, 5 meters wide by 22 meters long. The spatial sequence proposed from the access is understood as a single space that at each moment is having a specific dimension and linked to a different function, with no more limits than its own geometry. 

With the appearance of the patio, it will be the one which shapes and makes sense of the sequence. A patio of contemplation and use where its footprint is more defined by its material than by its limits, intentionally diffuse to link with its adjacent spaces. On upper floors, the most private spaces for individual use find their place, distributing the rooms on the first floor and the studio on the top floor, under the original wooden roof linked to a terrace that allows reliving the patio that starts from ground level. 

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY