*중정형 노출콘크리트 하우스 [ mori architect office ] house in shime

일본건축가 mori architect가 설계한 주택작업은 내부로 수렴되는 주거타입입니다. 강인한 인상을 풍기는 노출콘크리트의 외관과 달리, 내부는 조용하고 확장된 생활공간을 제공합니다.

대로변에 위치한 특성상, 외부 소음과 간섭을 최대한 단절시키는 작업이, 외부로 열린 개구부가 최소화 되어 있는 것으로도 충분히 이해 됩니다. 

주거를 진입하기 위한 주출입구는 도로를 이용하는 보행자와 간섭을 최소화하기 위해 옆면으로 틀어져서 배치됩니다. 

건물 중심부에 위치한 중정을 통해 내부 생활공간은 쾌적한 환경을 유지합니다.

house in shime by mori architect office is built around a central inner courtyard

located on the main road of kasuya-gun, fukuoka, japan, the house in shime by mori architect office encloses a quite and expansive living environment within its concrete shell. sheltered from the bustling surroundings with small openings on its exterior walls, the residence is developed around a central inner courtyard, which not only secures enough privacy, but also extends the size of the living area.

mori architect office has extended the sidewalk at the front of the site by pushing the house at sufficient distance, eliminating the feeling of pressure pedestrians have on busy city streets. though sheltered off from the outside through the concrete exterior walls, the residence is light and airy thanks to the open-air courtyard in its center. floor-to-ceiling glass panels on the courtyard walls allow the gaze to pass through the entire interior, while a concrete beam of 15 m span stretches from one courtyard to the other, enhancing the affinity of inside and outside spaces. in conversation with the beam, an 8-meter floating kitchen counter built from GRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete) adds to the quality of the space.

name: house in shime

architect: mori architect office

location: fukuoka, japan

from designboom


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