*노르웨이 오두막 [ Sanden+Hodnekvam Architects ] Cabin Rones

한적한 노르웨이 전원풍경에 자리 잡은 오두막집은 대지의 형상에 따라 자리합니다. 주거 내부 3개의 레벨은 각각 다른 지점에서 외부환경과 관계를 맺습니다. 내외부의 적극적인 관계 맺기와 별개로 인테리어 디자인은 콘크리트와 목재의 물성을 고스란히 드러내며 간결한 공간감을 연출합니다.

Cabin Rones is a minimalist cabin located in Steinkjer, Norway, designed by Sanden+Hodnekvam Architects. The small cabin is located at Rones, 150km north of Trondheim. The site is steep and rough with a view of the fjord. The cabin has a compact footprint which adapts to the landscape and preserves the site and its vegetation. The main floor is a concrete construction with three different levels adapting to the terrain. The concrete base, and the big wooden windows in front, support the second floor; a triangular shaped volume of cross laminated timber wrapped in black roofing felt. The interior is characterized by the raw concrete walls, the polished concrete floor, the wooden windows and the 2.nd store all made in Norwegian pine. The furnishing is made out of Norwegian birch. Gutter and other outdoor details are made in untreated copper, and will darken with time. The cabin has a sheltering atmosphere with its protective back wall in concrete and its open glass facade facing the fjord.

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY