*에드워드풍 거리의 노후주택 개조-[ KENNEDY NOLAN ] DEEPDENE HOUSE

수년간 자리를 지켰던 노후주택은 7명의 대가족이 함께 하기엔 너무 좁았다. 그래서 기존 주택을 리노베이션하기로 결정하고 향후 오랫동안 유지 가능한 주택으로 재탄생 시키게 되었다. 공사 시 주변으로부터 에드워드 시대풍의 거리 분위기를 지켜주십사 요청받았고, 그에 맞게 굴뚝과 그 끝의 구리장식으로 정원의 특성을 살려 작업이 진행되었다.


The family commissioning this house had lived on the site for many years and after a short-lived move to a much larger house and garden in a nearby street concluded that they felt very connected to their old street and its people. The existing house couldn’t cope with their large family of seven and an investigation of alterations and additions to the existing house led them to the conclusion that a new house was required.

The brief then was a house to comfortably accommodate seven people in a highly sustainable building. We were also asked to be considerate of the neighbours who were very attached to the Edwardian character of the street. Our investigations revealed that a salient characteristic of the Edwardian garden suburb was rooves and chimneys emerging from lush tree canopies.

In finding a workable model we looked to the Arts and Crafts movement and it’s proto-modernist philosophies as a way to satisfy our brief requirements and our own compulsion to modernity. Many of our architectural interests aligned with the ideas and aesthetics of the Arts and Crafts movement: expressive function, picturesque planning, and the exposition of the crafts of building.

The conceptual basis of the house is strongly evident in the fabric of the building. Substantial, textural, durable, low maintenance materials and surfaces – all selected for their ability to age in place, to ensure that the house improves with age, that it celebrates patina, that the materials reach their aesthetic potential through wear and time.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY