다소 평범한 프로그램으로 진행된 것 같은 프로젝트는 정원의 형태와 요소를 복합체로 표현한 데에 있어 특성을 보인다. 나선형 공간 배치에 특히 주의를 기울였고, 단일한 볼륨에서 오는 풍부함에 복잡성을 추가하면서도 제어된 공간 구성이 눈에 띄인다.

Conceptually, this is a house built within a picturesque ruin, the formal expression is composed of fragments of masonry which recall industrial uses and which obscure conventional domestic tropes. Our architectural approach illustrates the trajectory of the site – it is an adaptive re-use which clarifies and intensifies the perception of its change of use. The somewhat conventional program is expressed as a complex of forms and elements in a garden and privileges the experience of the user. Particular attention is paid to the arrangement of space in a spiralling organisation. Specifically this is to add richness and complexity to the singular volume, to unfold internal and external space in a controlled narrative and to expand the experience of vertical circulation theatrically – heightening anticipation as each new space and volume appears. The climax is reached in the principal living area on the top floor where the views then expand out to the distance.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY