*핸드메이드 벽돌로 꾸민 아치형 입구의 건물-[Studio Ben Allen adds pair of brick vaults to terraced house in York]

핸드메이드 벽돌로 만든 두 개의 아치는 빅토리아풍 계단식 건물의 후면에 확장 공간을 형성한다. 현지에서 만든 벽돌을 이용해 L자 모양의 건물 뒤쪽에 두 개의 반원통형 둥근 천장을 만들었다. 뒤뜰을 채우는 확장공간에는 부엌 공간과 생활 및 작업 공간을 아치 아래 더했고, 안마당은 유리 문으로 둘러 쌓여 있으며 3면은 집 안으로 깊은 채광을 허용하고 있다.


Two arches made from handmade bricks form an extension at the rear of this Victorian terraced house in York by London practice Studio Ben Allen.

Studio Ben Allen used locally made bricks to build the two barrel vaults at the back of the L-shaped property located near the River Ouse.

"It was the simple beauty of these rear spaces, a landscape almost completely of one material: brick facades, yards and lanes that was the inspiration and departure point for the design," studio founder Ben Allen explained in a statement.

Filling the back yard, the extension has added room for a kitchen, living and work space under the arches, while a courtyard surrounded by glass doors and walls on three sides allows further daylight into the house.

Full-height glazed doors at one end of the vaults frame views of the paved pathway and greenery, while windows at the others allow light to fill the extra room.

"The newly enlarged ground floor creates one expansive space with the courtyard appearing as a room within a room," said Allen. "The materials are robust, utilitarian and designed to last and improve with age."

The arch form has been carried through to the interiors as a design motif. The slabs of the concrete countertop are supported by three concrete arches, which have been lined with oak to create open storage areas for pots and pans.

More typically used as a sub-floor, the kitchen floor is made from cement screed with heating elements laid underneath to keep it comfortable underfoot during the North Yorkshire winters.

Cupboard doors are made of solid oak, and a bike store was installed at the back under the vaulted ends of the extension to accommodate the clients love of cycling. The kitchen bins are also discretely tucked away in here.

Upstairs, the arch theme continues in the shape of two curving mirrors affixed over the his-and-hers sinks.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY