*중국 시골마을의 고급화 프로젝트-[ Studio Cottage ] CLOU architects

중국 시골지역은 농촌인구감소에 대한 인식에 의해 주도되어 왔다. 사람들과 일자리가 대도시로 흘러들어가 시골의 생명력이 약화되었을 때, 단순히 시골 지역의 노력만으로는 농업공동체의 다양한 도전 과제를 해결하는 데 충분하지 않다.
보 하이 젠(Bo Hai Zhen)과 같은 베이징 근교 종촌 지역에 주어진 지역사회의 활성화는 우리의 상상력을 사로잡았다. 대부분의 근로 연령대의 주민들은 이미 마을을 떠났고, 남아 있는 주민들은 조부모와 손주들뿐이다. 이들의 삶의 방식에서 사회적 지속 가능성을 회복하려는 주민들의 투쟁은 전세계 농촌마을이 직면하고 있는 수많은 도전 과제 중 하나이기도 하다. 이 프로젝트는 시골 마을의 온건한 고급화를 통해 마을 사람들에게 결국엔 겸손한 번영을 가져올 것이라는 직관에 의해 주도되었다.

The Chinese countryside has been dominated by perceptions of rural depopulation. Local effort alone is not adequate to the task of addressing the multiple challenges of rural communities when their vitality has been compromised by the flight of people and jobs into large cities.

Given the close proximity of Beijing to its surrounding rural areas like Bo Hai Zhen, community revitalization has captured our imagination. We noticed that the majority of people of working age had left the village. The remaining inhabitants are mostly grandparents and grandchildren; their struggle to regain social sustainability in their way of living is one of the many challenges rural villages are facing. The project was driven by the intuition that a moderate gentrification could eventually lead to a modest prosperity for some of the remaining villagers.

However, developing rural areas, where economic development has lagged behind that of China's booming cities is may be less about preserving tradition and maybe more about reviving, because (tradition) it's not really present. Our intention was to refurbish an unoccupied dwelling, which some might argue was not worth preserving, in order to rediscover the identity it could bring about in the context of its village setting. With its collapsed perimeter walls and the overgrown grounds the neglected property had become a ‘white spot on the village map’ where vacancy is a symbol of depopulation. 

The farmer who had originally built the house in the early seventies was a frequent visitor during the construction phase and we were happy to hear that he ‘approved’ of our interventions to the house being seemingly happy with the final outcome.

from archdaily


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