*화강석 다듬, 더 거칠게 물성을 드러내다 This House Makes Extensive Use Of Granite Throughout Its Design

평범한 재료로 부터 시작, 하나의 거대한 덩어리로 보여진다. 더 거칠게, 물성을 확연하게 드러내다.

b.e architecture have recently completed a new three-storey house in Melbourne, Australia, that features 260 tons of granite which make up the building’s skin.

The granite on the exterior of the house has a split-faced finish that allows the home to have a textured when viewed from the outside.

Working together with builders and stone masons, the architects were able to create subtle variation in the materials and intricate details, to create a cohesive stone look throughout the house.

Granite and glass have been used to surround a private outdoor shower in a secluded Japanese garden that’s connected to the master bedroom. 

from contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY