*페루 브릿지 하우스- [ Llama Urban ] Bridgehouse

페루 온타리오의 숲 계곡 옆에 나무 주택인 브리짓 하우스가 설계되었다. 목재로 설계되어 있고 작은 계곡을 가로지르는 이 집의 양쪽에는 두 개의 큰 빔이 있으며 이는 콘크리트 패드로 고정되어 있다.

Peruvian architecture firm Llama Urban Design has built a wooden house that connects two sides of a tree-covered valley in Ontario, forming a bridge over the ravine below.

Bridgehouse is nestled in between two large mounds of earth, suspended above the forest floor.

Its main structure is formed from Glulam engineered timber, with two large beams on either side of the house spanning across the small valley, and anchored by concrete pads.

A wooden floor is supported between the beams, creating a trapezoid shape in elevation and a bridge across the gorge.

On top, unstained cedar boards provide cladding for walls and the roof of the long narrow home, measuring 2,476 square feet (230 square metres).

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY