*도쿄 듀플렉스 하우스 리노베이션-[ Seitaro Aso Architecture ] Saito House

Saito House는 도쿄의 한적한 주거단지 내에 위치한 듀플렉스 하우스(duplex house)를 리노베이션한 것이다. 새로운 건축주에게 매매되면서, 2x4 건설을 통해 2층 구조의 주택으로 리노베이션 하기로 하고, 여기에는 거실, 주방, 식당 공간과 더불어 새로운 작업공간이 추가 되었다.

리노베이션 과정에서, 정형된 비용을 최대한 줄이기 이해 현재의 마감을 없애버리는 일은 피하면서 새로운 마감재를 기존 마감에 직접 덧대는 방식을 택했다.

Saito House is a project to renovate a duplex house located in a quiet residential area in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo.

Once it was handed over to its new owner, the architects were employed to renovate the two-story house with two-by-four construction: they renovated the living, dining and kitchen areas, as well as added a new workspace.


Program: single-family house
Architects: Seitaro Aso Architecture and Tyrant Inc
Area: 30 sqm
Completion: 2015

In this project, Seitaro Aso Architecture and Tyrant avoided removing the existing finish where possible in order to reduce dismantling costs and applied the new finishing material directly onto the original finish. To be specific, herringbone flooring and large tiles were directly applied onto the existing floor material, and the original cloth-finished wall and ceiling surfaces were directly covered by plasterboard and finished with paint.

On the other hand, removal work was minimized; the main things removed were the partition wall between the dining-kitchen and the living room, which became functionally unnecessary and the cases of the sashes. The two-by-four members revealed due to the removal of the original finish have been kept exposed.

from domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY