*후루카와 하우스 [ SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE ] House in Fukawa

2명의 자녀를 포함한 4인가족으로 구성된 후루카와 하우스 입니다. 혼잡한 외부환경으로 부터 독립적인 거주환경 구축을 위해 확장된 내부 환경을 디자인 합니다. 열린 다층구조는 중심부에 위치한 계단실을 기점으로 독립적인 동시에 연속적인 공간감을 제공합니다. 백색과 우드패널 조화 역시, 따뜻한 감성연출과 내부를 보다 확장시키는 시각적 요소로 사용됩니다.

The house is placed at suburbs in Hiroshima, and designed for 4 members of a family with two kids.

Because there are a lot of traffics around the area, we considered the house, which is closed from outside as much as possible but still keep its space open without any pressure of the separation from the outside. 

People can feel a place bigger more and more if they could not figure out the size of it, such as the sky and the ocean. In other words, people think a space is big when they would felt the area as if it is continuing forever. 

There is- a staircase at the center of the house. It is surrounded by walls as an another construction, and it is built up to the ceiling. It stands as a core of the house. From the pillar all rooms are connected as each. The spaces are placed randomly with various levels and angles. The inside with layers of the rooms is like a place under a tree with leaves or like a cave in a mountain. 

Moreover, the place at the top of each room could also engage people as terraces. Because of the use of the top the boxes, there are various space relations in the house, such as a room and a room, a room and a

terrace, and a terrace and a terrace. 

The house is separated from the outside environment, however the dwelling inside could create space like continuing forever with the center construction standing like a big tree. We believe residents could enjoy to live in the house with a comfort like in a nature environment, which people could feel and imagine the scale of the space. 

from architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY