*지속가능한 능동형 더블 파사드 [ ernst giselbrecht + partner ] kiefer technic showroom

외부환경에 따라 변화하는 능동형 파사드 시스템은 내부로 유입되는 직사광선, 열에너지를 효과적으로 차단함으로써 내부 환경의 효율적인 에너지 세이빙을 만족시키는 동시에 개별적인 기동을 통하여 변화물쌍한; 다이나믹한 형상을 만들어 낸다. 이를 통한 건축물은 고유한 인자를 갖게 되고 아이텐티화 된다.

reviewed by SJ

in earlier times, facades were characterised by window arrangements and axes. they often featured surface relief with architectural elements from the relevant period or style. the structure of the façade also determined the ground plan; the greater the number of window axes in a room, the more important the function of the user. not long ago office buildings had a clear structure and the number of axes were predetermined. for this reason the architects have been working for some time with dynamic façades that can be adapted individually to changing conditions and needs. of course they can also be controlled by optimising programs if users are not present in the rooms behind. thus it is possible to realise these new transparent facades and yet still maintain a cosy at-mosphere in the rooms. these facades change continuously; each day, each hour shows a new 'face' - the facade is turning into a dynamic sculpture.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY