*카멜레온 스킨, 리즈 아레나 [ populous ] leeds arena shows its chameleon skin

국제저인 스타디움 디자인 팀 populous의 최근작 리즈 아레나는 독창적인 건축 외형과 혁신적인 건축환경을 구현한 건축공간으로 주변지역의 컬쳐 인프라를 흡수 통합하는 주요한 문화 거점으로 자리한다.

이곳 스타디움의 독특한 외형 -팬쉐입 볼-은 내부의 혁신적인 공간 디자인의 자연스러운 결과물로 형성된다. 공연이 시연되는 무대부와 가장 먼 좌석과의 거리가 불과 67미터 밖에 되지 않는 좌석 배치는 123,000석의 규모의 대형 극장에서는 찾아 보기 힘든 세심한 공간 계획을 보여준다. 여기에 무대부와 같은 레벨 선상에 위치한 15열 좌석들은 극장 내부에 다양한 프로그램에 따라 이동이 쉽도록 계획되어, 지역 주민들을 위한 다양한 문화활동을 보장하여 준다. -좌석을 제거함에 따라 생성되는 공간에는 농구코트, 테니스 코트, 권투장, 레슬링 매트 등 다양한 스포스 경기를 진행 할 수 있는 스페이스를 제공한다.-

특히 독창적인 외형에 설치된 LED 조명은 상호교감형 디자인으로 내부의 프로그램 또는 사람들의 자의적인 행위에 따라 반응하며 다양한 시퀀스를 생성한다. 이러한 무브먼트를 통해 리즈 아레나는 또다른 닉네임 카멜레온 스킨으로 불리우며 잉글래드 리즈시의 새로운 밤하늘을 밝히는 등대로 랜드마크 된다.

reviewed by SJ

global stadium-design connoisseurs populous have just completed their newest structure, the leeds arena, in england. the fan-shaped bowl is an innovation to indoor arenas around the world, focusing on keeping the closest proximity to the performance stage even from the farthest seat which lies only 67 meters away. the modestly sized 123,000-seat super-theater sits at the heart of the downtown area in the cultural district, integrating within and complimenting the existing infrastructure. with such a close proximity to surrounding buildings in a dense urban zone, the exterior of the arena beckoned special attention to express the building’s presence without aggressively overtaking the night-scape or becoming bland. the layered geometries that make up the exterior envelope are brought to life during events, reflecting the mood of the performance and giving visitors a thrilling visual effect. made with standard off-the-shelf LED light strips, the facade is able to activate or deactivate itself at the touch of a button, displaying any combination of colors and patterns.  equipped with 15 rows of removable stage-level seating, the arena can transform from a musical venue to a basketball court, tennis court, boxing ring, or wrestling mat, amongst other sports.

the architects describe the seating strategy:

‘the seating bowl design follows a fan shape. this maximizes the viewing angle and sight lines, as well as the flexibility of configuration in event mode. unobstructed viewing was provided from all seats where practically possible, taking into account local codes and requirements for safety ballustrading heights and side loading requirements. a minimum c value of 90 was be applied, and where possible the seating terraces were designed on a parabolic rake. the minimum terrace width is 800 mm with varying riser heights depending upon the parabolic rake with a maximum riser height of 540 mm between terraces and a minimum riser height of 130 mm.’

client: leeds city council
architecture: – populous
engineering: – arup
operator: – smg
project management/ cost consultant: – davis langdon (aecom)
procurement/ feasibility: – pmp/ ipw/ arup
landscape architect: – grontmij
main contractor: – bam
total site area: 20,580 m2; roof area: 11,000 m2; internal floor area: 29,727 m2
building height: 41.5 m
cost: £60 million,
dates: april 2009 – march 2013
sustainability: breeam bespoke – “very good” fan shape bowl, three main concourse levels, plus one box suite level & event floor
sightline value: minimum c90
focal point: up stage centre, adjusted to arena event configuration
furthest seat to stage: 67m
maximum capacity: 13,500 spectators
base event modes: end stage concert mode (sitting), centre stage standing mode, end stage concert mode (standing), sports modes (i.e. basketball, tennis, boxing mode)
facilities: 24 suites, 94 food and beverage outlets, 24 merchandise outlets, 3 restaurants

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY