*미로아파트먼트 [ CHT Architects ] The Maze Apartments

미로아파트먼트, 씨티스케이프에 새로운 타입폴로지를 제안하다. 원룸과 투룸으로 구성된 총 32개의 유닛은 도시와 건축의 관계속에서 발현되는 각 요소들을 함축적인 건축 다이어그램으로 도식화된다.

그리고 이러한 다이어그램은 각 유닛들을 조합하는 규칙으로 아파트먼트의 파사드를 디자인하는 주요한 컨셉으로 사용된다. 총 5개층 높이의 볼륨 속에 자리 잡은 각 유닛들은 앞서 말한 다이어그램을 따라 각기 다른 입면, 평면(발코니)로 정의되며, 단조로운 도시풍경을 변화시키는 건축적 요소로 도시와 관계를 맺는다.

여기에 중요한 점은 건축가, 디자이너의 자의적인 해석에 따라 구현되는 디자인형태가 아닌 도시속에 건축이 지향해야할 공공성, 장소성을 포함한 합리적인 건축이 수반되어야 함은 물론이고, 거주자의 쾌적한 주거환경 확보를 위한 기능적, 친환경적 공간이 내재되어야 함은 당연한 일이다.

그리고 모듈화한 파사드 유닛을 각기 다른 방향으로 조합함으로써 비용적인 측면 (시공의 난의성?)에서도 일반적인 건축과 별다른 차이없이 진행이 가능한 장점을 지닌다.

reviewed by SJ

The Maze Apartments is a five-storey building comprising 32 one- and two-bedroom apartments. The concept behind its facade evolved through the exploration of graphic patterns and how they could be manifested in contemporary architecture. During conceptual design, works by artists, such as Helmut Federle and Sol LeWitt, as well as diagrams and patterns, were referenced. The found geometry of a maze was eventually projected onto the facade grid, informing both the composition and placement of architectural elements.

The spandrel weaves balconies and windows in a ribbon-like manner, adhering to an order, yet creating a non-repetitive facade that becomes the built diagram. Essentially, the building is an orthogonal block that has been carved into with intent. The materials are inspired by Melbourne’s apartment typologies, yet are applied in a way that liberates them from their typical use. A non-repetitive composition of concrete forms, that float between ribbons of glass and planes of timber, results in a unified, identifiable and resolved presence.

Architects: CHT Architects
Location: VIC, Australia
Design Director: Ivan Turcinov
Project Director: David Carabott
Project Architect: Chivonne Hollis
Project Leader: Nathan Byron
Area: 4,356 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Christine Francis

Architect: Johan Hermijanto, Ilana Freadman
Interior Designer: Chantelle Balliro, Adele Bates
Documenter: Darius Tanujoyo
Developer: Carta Group
Building Surveyor: Reddo Building Surveyors
Structural Engineer: The O’Neill Group
Services Engineer: The O’Neill Group
Fire Engineer: RawFire
Acoustic Engineer: Acoustic Logic
Construction Manager: Adam Wulff
Builder/Contractor: Momentum Pty Ltd

Public and Cultural Benefits
With its raw and robust materiality, the building pays homage to Richmond’s former light-industrial context, while also acting as a contemporary example of residential architecture. In fact, The Maze Apartments has been referenced by the City of Yarra’s planning department as an architectural precedent for future developments.

Relationship of Built Form to Context
The building is sympathetic to Richmond’s industrial history, while referencing the area’s current residential and commercial uses. Its surrounding urban fabric consists of hard-wearing, refurbished industrial buildings, as well as high-density, multi-residential developments. The site sits on the edge of the high-density precinct, where it meets an established, single-storey residential neighbourhood to the north. The orthogonal block-form of the building responds to the streetscape, as well as the different site interfaces, where it varies in height, composition and setbacks. Various textures and materials have been used to provide visual interest and resonate with the surrounding precinct.

Program Resolution
The client brief was to build a cost-effective, raw and robust building, with maximum amenity. A stacked floor plan meets the commercial objectives, without compromising the architectural aspirations for the building. Apartment typologies reflect current market trends with high-quality detailing and finishes.

Integration of Allied Disciplines
Close collaboration between the architects and consultants was a hallmark of this project. By working closely together, the team was able to ensure the architectural intent of the building was not compromised.

Cost/Value Outcome
In order to achieve a cost-effective outcome, a stacked floor plan was implemented, however, the complexity of the facade helps to create a non-repetitive aesthetic.

The majority of apartments are north-facing with excellent solar access. Apartment layout and building plate arrangement provide maximum daylight and natural ventilation. All south-facing apartments have large windows, without overhangs. High-performance glass and energy efficient systems have been used throughout.

Response to Client and User Needs
Effective planning and a strong architectural concept were vital in attracting discerning owner-occupiers. Well-thought-out design also ensured that overshadowing to the development to the south was kept to a minimum.

from  archdaily


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