*심플 팩토리 빌딩 [ Pencil Office ] A Simple Factory Building

주제는 명확하다. 싱가폴의 작렬하는 태양으로 부터 내부환경을 보호하는 동시에 건축물의

아이텐티 구축을 지향한다.

이 심플한 로직은 산업단지내에 위치한 심플팩토리 빌딩을 디자인하는

주요한 테마로, 1.2미터 간격으로 건축물의 전면에서 수직으로

저층부 주차장 천장면을 지나 후면까지 연속되는 수직루버 파사드를 생성시킨다.

이러한 디자인 구축은 동질한 산업단지내의 수많은 건축물 중에

고유한 캐릭터를 형성, 건축가가 지향하는

목표 -회사의 이미지를 상승시키는-를 수립하며

새로운 인더스트리얼 타입폴로지를 창출한다.

reviewed by SJ

A Simple Factory Building addresses two contradicting demands: the mitigation of tropical solar radiation, and the openness, views, and transparency sought by the clients in a basic industrial typology. Completed in 2012, the 10,742-square-foot (998-square-meter) building is located in an industrial area of Singapore. It utilizes a sophisticated 4-foot-deep (1.2-meter-deep) veil fabricated in lightweight EIFS and a bronze full-height window-wall envelope to reconcile this architectural conflict.

Architects: Pencil Office
Design Architect: Erik G. L’ Heureux AIA, LEED AP BD+C
Area: 991.8 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Courtesy of Pencil Office

Architect Of Record: Ayra Architects
Structural Engineer: HS Engineering Consultants
Mechanical Engineer: K L Au Consultants

Wrapping continuously as a loop around the front elevation, car porch ceiling, rear elevation, and roof, the veil shields the building from the harsh tropical sunlight while calibrating views to the exterior. It also amplifies natural illumination, directs natural ventilation, and conceals mechanical equipment. It calibrates the performance of the building as a climatic engine.

In addition to shading the building from direct sunlight, the veil’s pattern changes to exploit neighboring park views while obstructing unsightly views to the immediate vicinity of the industrial neighborhood. The degree of perforation varies to create openness and privacy in relation to internal programming. From street level, the resulting facade is seen as an anamorphic pattern that creates an optical disturbance to the normative clues that describe the scale of buildings and allow for floor counts. This interference is purposeful; it calibrates the building as an optical device for the performance of inhabitation within and reading from without. Likewise, the normative architectural categories of facade, roof, and ceiling, are upset by the continually wrapping veil; the distinct architectural categories are merged into one continuous deep envelope.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY