*도시를 적층하다 [ Isay Weinfeld ] 360º Building

360` 빌딩은 도시생활의 다양한 생활패턴을 수용하는 주거 집합체로 총 62개의 유닛이 서로 다른 7가지 타입으로 적층된다. 총 7개의 주거유닛은 2개 또는 3, 4개의 모듈 유닛을 조합하며 130, 170 250m2  의 면적으로 구성된다. 그리고 이러한 타입의 조합은 마치 테트리스? 같은 퍼즐조각의 파사드를 구현하며 도시와 4개의 면에서 동일한 관계성을 갖는다.

저층부는 거리와 맞다 있는 워크웨이와 로비 그리고 도시를 투영하는 풀장이 위치한 그라운드 레벨과 그 하부에 거주민들의 커뮤티니 활동 및 생활을 지원하는 시설로 헬스장, 라운지, 파티룸, 세탁실 그리고 3개층에 걸친 주차장으로 구성된다.

도시와의 관계는 건축공간에 필요를 만들고 그 필요에 의해 공간은 조닝, 구획되며 그 특유의 캐릭터로 구체화 된다.

reviewed by SJ

360º Building will be erected in São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil, where currently over 10 million people live spread over 1,525 km2. In this setting, unfortunately the "norm" is to live not at one's best, but crammed and confined, and to commute long distances everyday between home, work and other commitments, by car, bus, or subway. The time left for leisure is scarce, and few are the options to enjoy activities in the open air.

Mindful of the urban reality in São Paulo, of the market and of the client brief, we have strived to introduce 360º Building as an alternative to the vertical multi-family housing "model", which, in its commonest form, merely stacks up apartment units - ordinary, compact and closed onto themselves.

360º Building, rising on top of the ridge separating the districts of Alto de Pinheiros and Alto da Lapa - a geographic location that will offer privileged sights of the surrounding area and the city -, will feature 62 elevated "homes with yards": real yards, not balconies, designed as genuine living spaces, wide, airy and bright. It will present 7 types of apartments - either 130, 170 or 250 m2 - combined in sets of 2, 3 or 4 units per floor, in 6 different arrangements.

Leaving the street and past the reception, a suspended walkway will lead to the building's lobby, surrounded on all sides by a reflective pool. Down one floor, on the ground level, entertaining areas and other facilities - gym, lounge, party room and laundry - will be located, as also the janitor's living quarters. Further down, there will be 3 parking levels, and, on the lowermost level, employees quarters, storage and engine rooms, in addition to a sauna and an outdoor swimming pool. The land, a steep downwards slope, allowed the lower levels to be semi-subterranean, always keeping 2 sides open to the light and to ventilation.

The building projects to all sides showing no distinction between main and secondary façades.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY