*오가닉 타워 [ Agnieszka Preibisz and Peter Sandhaus ] Green8

건축과 도시의 관계를 재정립한다. 아니, 도시속에서 건축이 지향해야 할 본연의 자세를 재조명해 본다. 오가닉한 형태, 거대한 숫자 8의 형태를 띤 도심형 주거는 자연과 커뮤니티에 대한 고찰에서 시작된다. 인간생활에서 필수불가결하게 발생되는 이 두가지 요소의 접목은 건축물을 크게 두가지 부분으로 구성하게 된다.

그 중 하나는 거주자들의 안정적이며 개인적인 거주환경을 보장하는 유닛으로 거대한 8자 형태의 외곽라인을 따라 지면으로 부터 상승하며 배치된다. -각 주거간의 프라이버시를 확보하는 동시에 도시를 360도 조망이 가능한 구성- 그리고 이로 인해 생성된 내부의 거대한 2개의 보이드 스페이스에 거주자를 위한 자연을 조성한다. 이곳은 이번 프로젝트가 지향하는 지점을 적나라하게 보여주는 핵심코어로 거주민들의 원활한 커뮤니티를 보장하는 장소이자, 거주환경의 질을 높여주는 조경공간으로 식물을 집적 재배, 섭취 할 수 있는 자급자족 환경을 조성한다.

이로써 건축은 도시공간 속에 쉘터를 제공하는 단순한 공간을 넘어 자연과 도시속에 인간을 밀착시키는 매개체로 작용하게 된다.

reviewed by SJ

How Do We Want To Live?

While trying to answer the query of how and where to house, many modern families today are torn between the desire for a pulsating urban life and the craving for a lifestyle in harmony with nature.

Our identification with and our desire for a free and urban life style defined by short distances to work, excellent public transportation, and proximity to cultural and commercial amenities, does not need to end with the decision to start a family or with retirement from active professional life.

Current trends towards a 'sharing-spirit' and a new participation in the community life counteract the anonymity and isolation in the metropolis. While in social networking, the border between the public and the private spheres is being renegotiated, architecture and urban planning of cities such as Berlin lags behind these significant social and demographic changes.

The unease with the global imperative of continued growth propagated by financial markets, seems to be spreading. Confidence in industrial food production finds itself nowadays significantly eroded. At the same time also the mass production of organic and healthier food has its limits and fails to appease growing groups of customers.

The longing for self-sustaining gardening and for knowing about the origins of what one is eating, are the most important reasons for the current boom in urban gardening.

What do these developments mean for architecture and urban planning? How do we want to live and house in the future?

As an integrative solution to this dilemma, the architects Agnieszka Preibisz and Peter Sandhaus are proposing project Green8 for a vertical garden city on Alexanderplatz in Berlin.

The residential high-rise structure is based on a business model of a cooperative collective. It envisions a self-determined community encompassing all generations. With its generous greenhouse and community spaces Green8 offers to organise not only the food production but also the sport and leisure activities, as well as the care of children and seniors.

Green8 reflects a dream come true: living in the centre of the city with breathtaking panorama views, while having one's own vegetable garden at one's doorstep.

Thanks to its cooperative and integrative principles, this housing concept is economically efficient. This form of home ownership is free from many constraints of real estate or land speculation, and the long term costs are lower than those of conventional homes.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY