*수변위의 연꽃 극장 [ Artech Architects ] Wuzhen Theatre

중국 북서부 유서깊은 작은 마을 강가에 거대한 연꽃이 피어난다. 아름다운 자연환경이 투영된 Wuzhen 극장은 "쌍둥이 연꽃"을 모티브로 1200석 규모의 대형극장과 600석 규모의 소형극장으로 구성된다.

이는 이곳에서 열리는 축제와 관광에 대한 수요를 제공하기 위한 시설물로, 퍼포먼스 공연과 아방가르드 창작공연, 패션쇼, 컨벤션 그리고 웨딩 등의 다양한 프로그램을 더불어 지원한다.

아이텐티한 외형적 특징을 보이는 극장은 볼륨의 중심을 기점으로 우측으로는 슈퍼벽돌을 사용한 솔리드가 좌측으로는 중국전통창 문향을 재해석한 지그재그 팬으로 볼륨이 감소하는 타원형을 띈다. 이러한 극적인 대비는 수변위에 극적인 시퀀스를 형성하는 한편, 대지의 솔리드와 물의 보이드를 은유적으로 표현하며 자연을 건축 속에 동기화 시킨다.

이렇게 완성된 극장은 자연과 사람을 연결하는 거대한 매개체로 새로운 장소성을 부여 받는다.

reviewed by SJ

In this romantic and surreal water village in China, the owner of the development decided that Wuzhen would be an important name in the global atlas of theatre where an International Theatre Festival would be located. In order to complete his vision, Kris Yao and his team was asked to design the Wuzhen Grand Theatre.

Project: Wuzhen Theatre
Location: Zhejiang, China
Clients: Wuzhen Tourism Development Co., Ltd
Design Architect: Kris Yao, Artech Architects
Design Team - Taipei: Kuo-Chien Shen, Winnie Wang, Wen-Li Liu, Jake Sun, Andy Chang, Kevin Lin
Design Team - Shanghai: Wen-Hong Chu, Fei-Chun Ying, Nai-Wen Cheng, Chu-Yi Hsu, Qi-Shen Wu, Jane jiang,
Collaborative design institute: Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design & Research Co. Ltd
Theatre consultants: Theatre Projects Consultants Ltd
Façade consultants: maRco Skin Studio
Acoustic consultants: Shen Milsom &Wilke Ltd
Contractor: Jujiang Construction Group

Building structure: reinforced concrete, steel framing
Materials: blue bricks, glass curtain wall, wood grilles
Floor Levels: 2 floors above ground, 1 floor below ground
Building Use: theatre
Site Area: 54,980 sqm
Lot Coverage Area: 6,920 sqm
Total Floor Area: 21,750 sqm

The greatest challenge was to design a large building containing two theatres with 1200 and 600 seats back to back, with modern theatre functions in this small, traditional water village in southern China. Using the culturally auspicious "twin lotus" as its metaphor, which functions perfectly with two theatres sharing one stage area, the design is composed of two oval shapes interlocking one another, one of them transparent and the opaque in form.

Due to its dual purposes of the theatre festival and tourism, the functions of the theatres are multifold. Possibilities include formal stage performances, avant-garde creations, fashion shows, conventions and wedding ceremonies.

Visitors arrive at the theatres by wooden boats or on foot from an island across the bridge. The smaller theatre to the right is located within the 'solid' volume, where pedal-like segments of thick reclining walls, clad in ancient super-sized brick, wrap around the foyer. The grand theatre to the left, enclosed in the zigzag fan-shaped glass front with a Chinese window motif, glows in the evenings and reflects on the water, adding charm to the already misty and surreal atmosphere of this otherworldly water village.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY