*심플 박공지붕 하우스 [ mA-style architects ] Koya no Sumika

주거프로젝트의 특징은 기존 주거공간과의 연속성을 보장 하는 동시에 개별적인 생활공간 및 휴식공간을 창출한다는 점이다.

대가족과 생활하는 젊은 부부의 사적인 공간 확보를 위한 주거프로젝트는 가족과의 관계, 기존생활공간과의 연계성을 신설된 주거의 측면에서 복도로 연결하며 외형적으로는 전원마을에 유니크한 박공지붕으로 디자인된다.

이러한 외형적 형상은 내부에 설치된 U자 벽을 길이방향으로 연속시키며 V자형태의 지붕 트러스 빔과 연결, 완성시킨다. 건축적 공간의 즐거움을 주는 동시에 거주자에게 쾌적한 거주환경을 제공하는 건축은 그런점에서 특별하다고 할 수 있다.

-상부의 삼각형태의 보이드는 내부거주환경을 쾌적하게 만드는 버퍼공간이다.-

reviewed by SJ

mA-style architects completed the design of an extension for a young couple's house next to the main family home, in Yaizu.

The latter is a one-storey Japanese-style house with an area of approximately 200 sqm, a type common in rural areas. A large house, it has many rooms, principally large spaces where people can gather and socialise but the young couple wanted undisturbed spaces that would allow quiet and relaxation.

Koya no Sumika
Yaizu, Shizuoka, Japan
Architects: Atsushi Kawamoto + Mayumi Kawamoto mA-style architects
Principal Use: Residence
Structural Engineer: Daisuke Hasegawa
Total Floor Area: 82.55 sqm (65.99 sqm/1F, 16.56 sqm/2F)
Site Area: 778.38 sqm
Structure: Built of wood
Completion: June 2013
Photography: Kai Nakamura

A simple extension gives those living in the house separate spaces but there was a risk it might undermine the relationship between the families and the connection with the main house. The opportunity to exploit the living functions of the main house meant the extension could be designed as a small living space that maintained a distance but retained rewarding relationships.

The extension is attached by a connecting-corridor to the west side of the main house, giving the occupants time to change their mindset before entering the other living space, and the shared garden maintains a due sense of distance. The inhabitants can count a large kitchen, bathroom and future children's room in the main house so the extension only had to serve a few living functions.

The living spaces are combined in a simple, continuous structure surrounded by small, two metre-high U-shaped support walls. A 69mm-thin roof covers a V-beam roof truss formed out of 62mm panels clad with structural plywood on both sides. The overlapping of the load-bearing walls and V-beam frame plus the adoption of several different finishes create contrasting spaces and instil a vertical sense of scale in the apartment-house.

As a result, light and air circulate freely throughout the residents' living spaces and the sightlines extend beyond to bring a sense of freedom. The architects intentionally left a rich blank space that would inspire the residents’

mA-style architects Architectural firm based in Shizuoka, Japan founded by Atsushi Kawamoto and Mayumi Kawamoto in 2004.

from  domusweb


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