A sólo 50 kilómetros de Tromsø, Noruega, el fiordo Skarsfjord esconde un paraíso de islotes y playas de mar. La cabaña mira hacia el paisaje panorámico y las puestas de sol, más allá de la cadena de colinas que emergen en el fiordo. Los grandes paneles acristalados permiten vistas en 180º, y parte de la pared sur se desliza comunicando el living con la terraza. De los 40m2 de superficie total, l..
Architect: DSDHA Client: MoreLondon Structural Engineers: Jane Wernick Associates QS: David Langdon LLP Contractors: Alandale Logistics LTD Subcontractors: Martin Childs Ltd Landscape Architect: Gross Max Landscape Architects Services Engineer: ARUP
Nishimura Restaurant_ CL3 Architects Beijing, China This is an excerpt of an article from the September 2008 edition of Architectural Record. In a place like Beijing, where anything goes, designers often bring in art installations or bold flower arrangements to add verve to upscale interiors. But in their design of Nishimura, a Japanese restaurant on the second floor of Beijing’s Shangri-La Hote..
Architects: Shuhei Endo Location: Sayo-cho, Hyogo, Japan Project team: Kengo Sasamoto, Aya Umemoto Design year: 2005-2006 Construction year: 2006-2008 Principal use: Institution and exhibition of earth environmental Site Area: 5,000 sqm Constructed Area: 968 sqm The client requested that all people who will visit this place including the inhabitants of Hyogo prefecture, improves the interest for..
Architects: Triptyque - Greg Bousquet, Carolina Bueno, Guillaume Sibaud e Olivier Raffaelli Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil Project chief: Tiago Guimaraes Project year: 2005- 2006 Construction year: 2007 Site area: 1,059 sqm Constructed area: 1,000 sqm Landscape: Peter Webb Contractor: Bassani Arquitetos Construtores Structure: Osmar Baptista Antunes Photographs: Leonardo Finotti Located in the neig..
Cork: New appliances of a manifold natural material We've all experienced it at one time or another: we've been invited to dinner in a nice atmosphere and are looking forward to a promising wine. However, we wait in vain for the hoped-for 'plop' of the cork – instead the bottle is opened by the host with an unaesthetic twist of the screw top (which of course doesn't necessarily mean that the win..
Milan 08: Cube 6 by designer Naho Matsuno turns from a cube into six stools and back again. Matsuno showed the project in the Salone Satellite at the Milan furniture fair. The stools are made from birch plywood and maple and the cube is 350 x 350 x 350mm when slotted together. A version with three stools is also available (see below).
Architect: Alberto Mozo Collaborators: Francisca Cifuentes, Mauricio Leal, Luis Fernandez Location: Suecia & Bilbao, Providencia, Santiago, Chile Client: Nicolas Moens de Hase Site Area: 1654 sqm Constructed Area: 623 sqm Project Year: 2006 Construction Year: 2007 Structure Ingeneer: Juan Lopez Ingeneers Electric project: Gaston Villarroel Services: Jaime Uribe Structure: Arauco & Constructora..
for the 11th annual venice architecture biennale, frank gehry looked to what he considers as one of the most fundamental design tools, the model. large-scale models have always played an important role in the realization of an architectural project, giving one a sense of space, construction details, scale and materiality of the design before it is actually built. for inspiration, gehry looked to..
Belgium-based designers Draw Me a Sheep presented chairs and stools upholstered in real tree bark at 100% Design London, which ended yesterday. The pieces, which feature ash bark formed over timber and resin, are based on the notion that if trees had square trunks, less wood would be wasted. Above: Square Tree Trunk/ stool_I Above: Square Tree Trunk/ bench_I Above: Square Tree Trunk/ bench_II ..