While visiting Gage Clemenceau Architects we learned about their design process and research on building new forms through diverse design strategies that range from the use of automotive design software to a heavy reliance on robotic digital fabrication tools. This time we bring you two residences in New York by Gage Clemenceau - Mark Foster Gage & Marc Clemenceau Bailly. Residence in SOHO Griff..
Architect: Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter Aps Location: Gentofte, Copenhagen, Denmark Project Year: 2006 Landscape Architect: Marianne Levinsen Landscape architects Client: Gentofte Municipality and Domea Engineer: Hansen, Carlsen & Frølund A/S Site Area: 5,370 sqm Constructed Area: 2,880 sqm Photographs: Jens Markus Lindhe, Torben Eskerod & DMA Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter ApS won in 2004 the competition..
Limited Edition Design Dolls by Olivia Lee June 25th, 2008 Limited Edition Design Dolls is a series of three figurines of famous designers, featuring Zaha Hadid (above), Jaime Hayon (below) and Karim Rashid. They are created by Olivia Lee, who graduated from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London this month. The series comes from the observation that “today, designer personali..
House Place Jordan / Heri & Salli The “House Place Jordan “contains structural interferences in an existing garden plant of a single family house in Klagenfurt - Viktring (Kärnten/Austria). Geometrical existing ways leading through the garden and extended in their function of ways - understood as linear surfaces of spatial possibilities - detaching, consolidating themselves, forming spatial comp..
Architects: Shuhei Endo Location: Sayo-cho, Hyogo, Japan Project team: Kengo Sasamoto, Aya Umemoto Design year: 2005-2006 Construction year: 2006-2008 Principal use: Institution and exhibition of earth environmental Site Area: 5,000 sqm Constructed Area: 968 sqm The client requested that all people who will visit this place including the inhabitants of Hyogo prefecture, improves the interest for..
Venus chair by Tokujin Yoshioka Second Nature – Born of Memory: Thinking About the Future of Design Nature shows us a beauty that exceeds our imagination. On the other hand, it contains a strength that is sometimes frightening. The forms of nature are unique and cannot be reproduced. This endows them with mysterious beauty and makes them fascinating to us. I believe that a design is not somethin..
He gives the impression of wanting to tidy everything up and clear away any unnecessary visual ballast. Meticulously and with surgical precision Richard Galpin breaks down the fine top layer of large-scale architectural photographs into geometrical forms and lines. Some of their elements are removed entirely, leaving the white bottom layer of the photographic paper, while others remain in place ..
Even if the influence of traditional Scandinavian furniture design on her work is unmistakable, Ditte Hammerstrøm's design is far removed from dry Nordic functionalism. Since graduating from the Danish Design School in Copenhagen she has, together with a number of other young designers, presented designs which more or less experimentally explore new directions beyond the modernistic Danish class..
Sin lugar a dudas que todos alguna vez hemos jugamos con Legos, impresionándonos de todo lo que se puede hacer con ellos. Durante este año, para la celebración del aniversario número 50 de Lego, han aparecido varios edificios complejos, como el Taj Mahal (el modelo con más piezas de Lego de la historia) ó la torre de Lego más alta del mundo (30,8m). Y para que hablar del proyecto torre Lego de B..
Alex Dragulescu's «Spam Architecture» project designs virtual houses by mapping the content of incoming spam to structural and decorative elements. «The images from the Spam Architecture series are generated by a computer program that accepts as input, junk email. Various patterns, keywords and rhythms found in the text are translated into three-dimensional modeling gestures.»