*JEMS-브루하우스 아파트: 역사와 현대의 조화로운 만남 [ JEMS ] Brewhouse Apartments


JEMS-브루하우스 아파트: 역사와 현대의 조화로운 만남

JEMS-브루하우스 아파트는 역사적인 양조장을 현대적인 주거 공간으로 탈바꿈시킨 놀라운 사례입니다. 이 프로젝트는 바르샤바 중심부의 바르샤바 양조장 단지 내에 위치하고 있으며, 유명한 JEMS 건축 스튜디오가 설계했습니다. 혁신적인 이동식 구리 셔터 패널을 갖춘 외관은 마치 살아있는 구조물처럼 하루 종일 변화합니다.

-역사적 중요성과 위치
과거 바르샤바 최대의 전후 양조장이 있던 곳에 자리잡은 양조장 아파트는 4.4헥타르의 혼합 사용 단지인 바르샤바 양조장 개발의 일환으로, 옛 맥아 공장의 자리에 세워졌습니다. 이로써 역사적 요소를 현대적인 디자인에 통합하였습니다.

-건축 디자인과 특징
구리색 이동식 셔터 패널이 특징인 외관은 역동적이고 반짝이는 효과를 내며, 주민들이 사생활과 빛을 조절할 수 있게 합니다. 이는 끊임없이 변화하는 외관을 만들어냅니다. 건물의 구조는 산업 유산을 반영하여 남쪽에서 recessed outline을 반복하고, 다른 측면에서는 좁아진 외관을 채택했습니다.

-주변 환경과의 통합
건물은 바르샤바 양조장 단지의 중심에 위치하여 주요 공공 공간들을 연결하는 거울 패널 통로를 제공합니다. 1층에는 상업 시설이 있으며, 아늑한 도시 광장, 녹지 광장, 예술가를 위한 공간이 있는 중앙 광장 등 세 가지 구별된 광장이 있습니다. 건물 주변의 공공 공간들은 도시적인 특성을 강화하고, 주민과 방문객들에게 공동의 공간을 제공합니다.

-내부와 아파트 배치
양조장 아파트에는 76개의 유닛이 있으며, 스튜디오부터 두 층짜리 펜트하우스까지 다양합니다. 내부는 구리 외관을 보완하는 중성의 회색 석고 벽으로 마감되어 있으며, 알루미늄 문과 창문은 흑연색으로 분체 도장되어 셔터의 명암 효과를 강조하면서 외관과 조화를 이룹니다.

JEMS-양조장 아파트는 역사 보존과 현대 건축 혁신의 조화로운 결합을 보여줍니다. 역동적인 외관과 바르샤바 양조장 도시 조직에 대한 신중한 통합으로, 이 건물은 독특한 생활 경험을 제공할 뿐만 아니라 역사적으로 중요한 지역을 재활성화시켜 현대 바르샤바의 랜드마크로 자리잡고 있습니다.

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JEMS-Brewhouse Apartments

From a historic brewery to an apartment building with a dynamic copper facade. Brewhouse Apartments is a symbol of the transformation of a city quarter in the very heart of Warsaw. The building grew to become a dominant element of the new, city-forming project –Warsaw Breweries. It stands out with its facade, which is made of mobile shutter panels in a copper color. These panels allow the facade to change its form, which in turn, makes the entire building feel more alive. It was designed by the Warsaw JEMS Architects studio.

Warsaw Breweries is a new mixed use complex in the center of the Polish capital, created in an area where the largest post-war Polish brewery used to operate. The undeveloped area of 4.4 ha was turned into a multifunctional place, which combines residential, business, and recreational development. A place to live, work, meet, rest, and play meets all the needs of its residents. The JEMS Architects studio – the people behind the master plan, as well as all the designs, who are also the co-authors of the public spaces between the buildings –transformed the abandoned area, by drawing from the rich historic heritage of the Breweries.

The new, nearly 30 meter apartment building which is a spatial dominant and an icon of the entire complex, was created where the old Malthouse used to be (where malt is produced). – The industrial compound was a formal point of reference – the new developments repeat its recessed outline from the south side and the formula of the top, with narrower parts of the facade from the remaining sides of the building. Also, the width of the apartment building matches the width of the historic walls – Marek Moskal, partner and associate at JEMS Architects, explains.

The building is situated in the very center of the complex, at the very junction of the most important circulation tracts and public spaces. There are businesses on the ground floor and a mirror paneled passageway that connects the key public areas of the Warsaw Breweries – they provide the building with its urban character. The entire surrounding space is available to the general public. There are three different squares in its vicinity – a little, cozy city square on the other side of the street, the green square, and the so-called Central Square with a fountain and a space dedicated to artists – Maciej Rydz, a partner at JEMS Architects describes.

Brewhouse Apartments owes its modern nature to the original facade consisting of opening shutter panels filled with an aluminum net in copper color.  Thanks to the mobile elements, the facade shimmers in the light and multiplies chiaroscuro, depending on the individual settings of the shutters by the residents. Residents can cover parts of their walls and windows to control their privacy and the amount of daylight reaching inside. They create a living picture, which brings variety to the facade’s appearance – Katarzyna Kuźmińska, an architect at JEMS Architects explains.

The walls behind the shutters are finished with gray plaster, providing a neutral backdrop for the copper red net without interfering with the facade composition. Aluminum doors and windows, powder-painted to a graphite color, were used in the design. They were meant to retain the color scheme as similar as possible to the color of the plaster so that the other line of the facade underscored the chiaroscuro on the rotating copper panels.

There are 76 apartments in the building with vastly varying floor areas – from studios all the way to double story penthouses on the top floors. They are all accessible from three meticulously designed staircases.

from archdaily


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