*헌터를 위한 전망대 [ Lemmo Architecture and Design ] Clear Rock Ranch

Lemmo Architecture and Design -Clear Rock Ranch

클리어 록 전망대(Clear Rock Lookout)는 멋진 풍경과 야생동물의 경치를 감상할 수 있는 원시 강철 사냥 블라인드, 글쓰기 스튜디오, 전망대입니다. 450평방피트 규모의 이 건물은 석회암 절벽 아래에 자리 잡고 있으며, 메사 꼭대기에서 접근해야만 건물을 '발견'할 수 있습니다. 건물이 서서히 드러나면서 이 건물이 제공하는 독특한 전망에서 펼쳐지는 풍경의 파노라마가 더욱 돋보입니다.

Clear Rock Lookout is a raw steel hunting blind, writing studio, and observation deck that celebrates the stunning landscape and wildlife views. The 450sf building is nestled below a limestone cliff edge, and has to be “discovered” when approached from the top of the mesa. This gradual reveal of the building strengthens the unfolding landscape panorama made possible from the unique vantage provided by the structure.

The site was specifically chosen for its views by the owner after years of slowly traversing and mapping the wooded cliff edge. The modern form contrasts with the Hill Country vernacular used on the rest of the 1,000 acre West Texas ranch. Naturally weathering steel was chosen to age with the surroundings and to pay homage to the owner’s youth spent welding oil tanks.


from archdailly


Designed by JB FACTORY