*화이트 스트라이프 [ Hamonic+Masson & Associés ] Rosa Parks Apartments

Hamonic+Masson & Associés-Rosa Parks Apartments
이번 공동주거는 외부환경과 대화하는 건축환경을 목표로 한다. 개인 및 공용공간을 최대한 확보하여 새로운 공동체 생활방식을 구현한다. 


The project’s design demonstrates a willingness to engage in a dialogue with its surrounding environment. It introduces a new way of communal living by offering maximal exterior private and collective space.

The ground floor’s transparency links Avenue Jean Jaurès and the eco district that develops towards the east. This creates views in several directions, all the way to the communal courtyard that opens onto the future community building, which will be constructed at the same level as the “Halle de l’Etarmat.”

The detail on the volume’s tiers creates a varied silhouette and also multiplies the different possible uses of the rooftop space.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY