*트라이앵글 하우스 [ GRAUX & BAEYENS Architecten ] House N-DP

역동적인 삼각형으로 이루어진 콘크리트 하우스의 매혹적인 공간미

3개층으로 구성된 하우스의 특징적인 모습은 쇄기형태의 삼각형을 이용한 건축 디자인에서 찾아 볼 수 있습니다. 3개의 모서리 중, 하나는 캐노피 형식으로 외부로 열린 데크로 구성됩니다. 이를 통해 구현된 역동적인 형상은 내외부를 밀착시키는 동시에 아름다운 외부 환경을 내부로 끌어들이는 장치적 역활을 수행합니다.

House N-DP –an intriguing house that projects an introverted openness. This house along the Leuvense Vaart in Mechelen never ceases to fascinate. A seemingly random play of asymmetrical concrete canopies opens and closes the façade, creating a pleasing impression of introverted openness.

A house with a consistent story. The dynamics created by the angled concrete canopies and the sophisticated positioning of the triangular storeys were an aesthetic necessity, designed in response to the environment in which the house was built. In this case, a narrow, deep plot with close proximity to neighbours, but also with an expansive view of the canal and the fields behind it. The concept of the house is the result of a creative process that takes all these parameters into account in a single, consistent story.

Intriguing contrasts. Each storey is set back in relation to the previous one and has been superimposed at a slightly shifted angle, with the intention of creating privacy and a sense of security for the residents. This fan-like movement inward also creates a playful effect that counters the monolithic appearance of the nine-metre-high building. At the same time, the fan shape is intended to cast an as little shadow as possible on the neighbours. The breaches in the concrete walls in turn create exciting openings to the garden and the water. While the concrete construction is no less imposing than the ships that slowly pass by on the canal, the openings give the whole a human scale.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY