*지속가능한 파빌리온 [ Overtreders W and Bureau SLA ] People's Pavilion

네덜란드 디자인 스튜디오 Overtreders W의 원형 파빌리온은 지속가능한 건축을 지향한다.
네덜란드 디자인 위크에 선보인 다양한 파빌리온 중 하나로, 임시적인 공간의 성격을 반영한 재료의 재활용에 주목할 필요가 있다.
이번 파빌리온에 적용된 재료는 나중에 지어질 건축재료를 선행하여 사용한 것으로 임시공간이 끝나는 지점에는 해체되어 원래의 자리로 돌아가게 된다.

Dutch studio Overtreders W is one of the leading exponents of circular architecture, having completed several buildings featuring reusable components.
The studio teamed up with Bureau SLA to create the reversible People's Pavilion (above) for Dutch Design Week in 2017.
This was entirely built from borrowed construction materials that were returned to their original owners when the temporary building was dismantled after the festival.
"We took the circular idea to a maximum level," said Peter van Assche of Bureau SLA. "The structure itself has almost no ecological footprint. This is what you can do by just borrowing a few materials from friendly people."
The pavilion, which hosted Dezeen's Good Design for a Bad World series of talks, was clad in shingles made of recycled plastic. The Pretty Plastic shingles were later released as a commercial product by Overtreders W and Bureau SLA, with the designers claiming they are the "first 100 per cent recycled cladding material" in the world.

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Designed by JB FACTORY