*전창발코니를 이용 외부환경을 버퍼하는 집 [ APOLLO Architects & Associates ] Scope

일본 스튜디오, APOLLO가 설계한 스코프 하우스는 일본 도쿄에 위치한 미니멀 하우스 입니다. 부모세대와 자식세대 2가구가 함께 거주하는 주거입니다. 3개층으로 이루어진 내부 프로그램은 낮은 경사지를 이용한 반지하 주차장 및 유틸리티 공간과 1층 부모세대 공간, 2층 자식세대 공간으로 구성됩니다. 외부시선으로 부터 내부를 적절히 차폐하는 건축적 장치가 적용된 1층과 달리, 2층은 적극적으로 받아들이는 발코니(전창으로 이루어진 온실과 같은)를 계획, 반영되었습니다.

Scope is a minimalist house located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by APOLLO Architects & Associates. This residence for a two-generation family makes use of the gently sloping site by locating the garage and entryway underground, thereby taking advantage of an allowance in the building code for increased floor area when part of the building is underground. This enables a layout with three stories’ worth of floor area, enough for the parents’ and children’s residences to be fully separate. Cedar formwork gives the exterior reinforced concrete walls their character, while steel frames surround one-way-mirror windows that maintain both privacy and an open feeling inside. Glass walls separate the garage from the shared underground entryway, making it feel larger than it is. In addition, sunlight pouring in from a skylight lends the entryway a soft ambiance unusual in an underground space.

The parents’ residence, located on the first floor, takes advantage of the wide frontage with a deep balcony whose eaves shelter it from rain, making a special place to spend time outdoors. The simple, one-bedroom unit provides plenty of space for the elderly couple. Pine trees on the neighboring property lend a pleasant view to the chic, serene interior. On the second floor, the younger generation’s residence is distinguished by a bright, airy private entryway light up by a skylight on the north side. As in the lower unit, this one includes a balcony, but continuous one- way-mirror windows surrounding the exterior create a penthouse-like feeling of openness. The overall impression contrasts with that of the under-eaves balcony below. In the evening, light from both units beautifully illuminates the building and enlivens the quiet streetscape.

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