*캔디 로프트 [ StudioAC ] Candy Loft

스튜디오 ac가 설계한 미니멀 하우스는 내부로 수렴되는 공간설계를 통해 도심 속 거주자의 독립적인 사생활보호해주는 특징이 있다. 또한 로프트하우스의 공간적 특징인 오픈플랜을 확장, 아치형태의 복도로 공간을 연속시키는 연출도 재미있다.

Candy Loft is a minimal interior located in Toronto, Canada, designed by StudioAC. The Candy Loft exists on the second story of a hard loft conversion on a busy street in Toronto’s downtown west end. StudioAC was asked by the client to design this loft space in a way that would create a feeling of privacy within the city. The plan uses an entry corridor and the location of the service areas to buffer the living space from the rest of the building – resulting in a very serene ambiance lined with large windows overlooking the canopy of the trees. In order to emphasize transitions in the loft: from entry to living, and public to private, StudioAC designed intimate arched hallways to create visual buffers from one space to the next.

Solid douglas fir floor boards flanked by warm LED lights add to the phenomenological shift through these corridors as the floor transitions from cool concrete to soft natural materials. The upward glow of the lighting highlights the curve overhead as you move through the extruded thresholds. The Candy Loft is an exploration in material surfaces and formal gestures to create a sense of presence in the home. The douglas fir boards wrap the kitchen island, centered between the arched transitions and the kitchen pulls are made from exposed copper to show the patina of use over time. Despite its location in the heart of down town Toronto, the loft exudes a sense of intimacy reflected by natural materials that create a feeling of escape from city life.

Photography by Jeremie Warshafsky

from leibal


Designed by JB FACTORY