*불법 거주자들의 건물을 사생활 보호가 철저한 혁신적 주택으로-[ alma-nac ] Paxton House

Paxton House는 영국 런던 남부에 위치한 혁신적 주택 솔루션이다. 43개의 주거와 일련의 공동 공간이 있고, 기존에 불법 거주자들이 사용하던 콘크리트 블록 건물을 이용해 만들어진 곳이다. 건물의 타이트한 경계선을 따라 남향으로 지어진 각 방은 사생활 보호를 하면서도 인근의 기차 철로를 조망할 수 있도록 각진 발코니가 함께 한다. 여기에 아세틸화 목재는 피복을 통해 지속가능한 수명을 보장한다. 또한 외관은 인접 아파트와 정원으로부터의 사생활을 보장하면서 안쪽에서 바라보는 시각을 극대화하고 있다.


Paxton House is an innovative housing solution on a complex site, for Joseph Homes in Croydon, South London. Forty-three dwellings and a series of shared spaces have been carefully crafted to occupy an existing concrete-framed building, a former office block which had been left vacant and was being used by squatters.

Avoiding a traditional central corridor arrangement, the architects have achieved a very different type of apartment block. Through the design of an external circulation strategy, every single apartment has been created as dual aspect, with a south facing living space.



Along the building's tight perimeter, each room on the south facing elevation is a living space which makes use of an angled balcony that provides privacy and directs views over nearby train tracks. Here, acetylated timber ensures the sustainable longevity of the cladding. This tightly set, animated facade naturally led to an angled balustrade design, ensuring privacy from neighbouring apartments and adjoining gardens alike, while maximising vistas from inside.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY